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Premio Lhotka

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Premio Lhotka

Emblema da
Royal Numismatic Society
Outorgada pola Royal Numismatic Society
Tipo Recoñecemento.
Graos Único.
Elixibilidade Autores de publicacións numismáticas.
Outorgada por Relevancia para os estudantes.
Descrición Dotación económica.
Establecida 1962
Primeira outorgada 1963 (Robert A. G. Carson)
Última outorgada Concesión anual vixente.
Premiados Ver listaxe no artigo.

O premio Lhotka (en inglés: Lhotka Memorial Price) é un recoñecemento do ámbito da numismática outorgado anualmente pola Royal Numismatic Society, de Londres, ao autor dunha publicación que sexa considerada polo xurado como particularmente útil aos estudantes que se inicien na numismática.[1][2][3]

O premio Lhotka foi establecido e dotado economicamente en 1962 polo profesor J. F. Lhotka, da Universidade de Oklahoma, que era socio honorario da Real Sociedade Numismática, en memoria do seu pai, tamén chamado J. F. Lhotka.

O premio outórgase ao autor dun libro ou dun artigo en inglés considerado como de maior utilidade para os estudantes elementais de numismática, coa condición de que fose publicado durante os dous anos anteriores á concesión do premio.[1]

Galardoados co premio Lhotka

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Os numismáticos que foron merecedores do premio desde a súa primeira entrega, en 1963, son os seguintes:[1]

Data Premiados Obra
1963 Robert A. G. Carson Coins, Ancient, Medieval and Modern. Hutchinson. Londres. 1962
1964 David R. Sear Roman Coins and their Values. Seaby. Londres. 1964
1965 R. H. Michael Dolley Anglo-Saxon Pennies. British Museum. Londres. 1964
J. Porteous Coins. Pleasures and Treasures series. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Londres. 1964
1966 Howard W. A. Linecar Beginner’s Guide to Coin Collecting. Pelham. Londres. 1966
1967 Philip D. Whitting Coins in the Classroom. Londres. 1966
1969 Anthony Dowle The Guide Book to the Coinage of Ireland. Spink. Londres. 1969
Patrick Finn
1970 M. J. Freeman The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain. H. B. Langman and Co. Londres. 1970. ISBN 9780948964848
1971 P. L. Gupta Coins ­ India: the Land and Peoples. Nova Delhi. 1969
1972 John R. S. Whiting Commemorative Medals. Newton Abbot. 1972
1973 G. Kenneth Jenkins Ancient Greek Coins. Barrie & Jankins. Londres. 1972
1974 George Berry English Medieval Jetons. Spink. Londres. 1974
1975 Richard Plant Arabic Coins and How to Read Them. Seaby. Londres. 1973. ISBN 9780900652523
1976 W. Burger Ching Cash until 1735. Mei Ya Pub. Taipei. 1976
1978 A. M. Burnett Coins of Roman Britain. British Museum. Londres. 1977. ISBN 9780714100586
John P. C. Kent 2000 Years of British Coins. British Museum. Londres. 1978. ISBN 978-0714108452
Ian A. Carradice Ancient Greek Portrait Coins. British Muesum. Londres. 1978. ISBN 978-0714108490
M. P. Jones Medals of the French Revolution. British Museum. Londres. 1977. ISBN 978-0714100593
1979 Michael Mitchiner Oriental Coins and their Values: the Ancient and Classical World. Hawkins Pub. 1978. ISBN 978-0904173161
1980 John Casey Coinage in Roman Britain. Bloomsbury Pub. 1980. ISBN 978-0747802310
1981 Martin J. Price Coins: an Illustrated Survey 650 BC to the Present Day. Littlehampton. Londres. 1980. ISBN 978-0600320234
1982 C. Bruce The Standard Guide to South Asian Coins and Paper Money since 1556 AD. Krause. Iola. 1981. ISBN 978-0873410694
1983 J. O’D. Mays The Splendid Shilling: a Social History of an Engaging Coin. New Forest Leaves. 1982. ISBN 978-0907956006
1984 E. Junge World Coin Encyclopedia. Barrie & Jenkins. Londres. 1984. ISBN 9780091551407
1985 Michael Broome Handbook of Islamic Coins. Spink & Son. Londres. 1985. ISBN 978-0900652660
1986 Joe Cribb Money: from Cowrie shells to Credit Cards. British Museum. Londres. 1986. ISBN 978-0714108629
1987 Andrew M. Burnett Coinage in the Roman World. Spink & Son. Londres. 1987. ISBN 978-0900652844
D. Nash Coinage in the Celtic World. Spink & Son. Londres. 1987. ISBN 978-0900652851
1988 Martin J. Price Coinage in the Greek World. Spink & Son. Londres. 1988. ISBN 978-0900652820
Ian A. Carradice
1989 John Casey Coins and the Archaeologist. 2ª edición. Spink & Son. Londres. 1988. ISBN 978-1852640118
Richard Reece
1990 Joe Cribb The Coin Atlas: the World of Coinage from its Origins to the Present Day. Facts On File . Londres. 1990. ISBN 978-0816020973
Barry Cook
Ian A. Carradice
1991 Edward M. Besly Coins and Medals of the English Civil War. Seaby. Londres. 1990. ISBN 9781852640651
A. M. Burnett Interpreting the Past: Coins. University of California Press. 1991. ISBN 9780520076280
1992 Philip Attwood Artistic Circles: the Medal in Britain 1880-1918. British Museum. Londres. 1992. ISBN 978-0714108742
1993 Elizabeth Errington The Crossroads of Asia. Fitzwilliam Museum. Cambridge. 1992. ISBN 9780951839911
Joe Cribb
1994 Jeffrey North English Hammered Coinage I: Early Anglo-Saxon to Henry III, c.600-1272. 3ª ed. Spink. Londres. 1994. ISBN 9780907605454
1995 Virginia Hewitt Beauty and the Banknote. British Museum. Londres. 1994. ISBN 9780714108773
Ch. R. Wren The English long-cross pennies 1279-1489: Edward I to Henry VII. An illustrated guide to identification. Plantagenet Books. 1995. ISBN 9780952034827
1996 Ch. Howgego Ancient History from Coins. Routledge. Londres. 1995. ISBN 978-0415089937
1997 Edward Besly Loose Change. National Museum Wales. Cardiff. 1997. ISBN 978-0720004441
John Orna-Ornstein The Story of Money. British Museum. Londres. 1997. ISBN 978-0714108841
1998 Richard G. Doty America’s Money, America’s Story. KP. Iola. 1998. ISBN 978-0873416184
1999 Nicholas Holmes Scottish Coins: a History of Small Change in Scotland. NMSE. Edinburgo. 1998. ISBN 978-1901663020
Nicholas Mayhew Sterling: the History of a Currency. Penguin. Londres. 1999. ISBN 9780140276329
2000 David R. Sear Roman Coins and their Values. Vol. 1. The Republic and The Twelve Caesars, 280 BC-AD 96. Spink. Londres. 2000. ISBN 978-1902040356
2001 Ivan Buck Medieval English Groats. Greenlight Pub. 2000. ISBN 978-1897738429
2002 Richard Abdy Romano-British Coin Hoards. Shire Pub. 2002. ISBN 978-0747805328
2003 Philip Attwood British Art Medals 1982-2002. British Art Medals Trust. 2002. ISBN 978-0953698837
2004 E. Colgan For Want of Good Money: The Story of Ireland’s Coinage. Wordwell Ltd. 2003. ISBN 978-1869857615
2005 David Hartill Cast Chinese Coins. Trafford Pub. 2005. ISBN 978-1412054669
2006 Paul Withers The Galata Guide to the Pennies of Edward I and II. Llanfyllin. 2006 ISBN 978-0954316259
Bente Withers
2008 Gareth Williams Early Anglo-Saxon Coins. Bloomsbury Pub. 2008. ISBN 978-0747806806
2011 Roger Outing Standard Catalogue of the Provincial Banknotes of England and Wales. Token Pub. 2010. ISBN 978-1870192941
Bente Withers The Token Book. Galata. 2010. ISBN 978-0954316280
Paul Withers
2013 David Hartill Early Japanese Coins, New Generation Pub. 2011. ISBN 978-0755213658
Amelia Dowler Coins and the Bible. Spink, Londres. 2013. ISBN 978-1907427305
Richard Abdy
Sam Moorhead A history of Roman coinage in Britain: illustrated by finds recorded with the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Greenlight Pub. 2013. ISBN 978-1897738542
2014 Elizabeth Cottam Britain’s First Coins. 2013. ISBN 978-0956688910
Chris Rudd
Michael Cuddleford Coin Finds in Britain: A Collector’s Guide. Shire Pub. 2013. ISBN 978-0747812449
2015 Richard Kelleher A History of Medieval Coinage in England. Greenlight Pub. 2015. ISBN 978-1897738573
2016 Eleanor Ghey Hoards: Hidden Histories. British Museum. Londres. 2015. ISBN 978-0714118253
2018 Dario Calomino Defacing The Past: Damnation and Desecration in Imperial Rome. Spink. Londres. 2016. ISBN 978-1907427732
Peter Thonemann The Hellenistic World: Using Coins as Sources. Cambridge University Press. 2016. ISBN 9781316091784
2019 Clare Rowan From Caesar to Augustus (c. 49 BC-AD 14): Using Coins as Sources. Cambridge University Press. 2018. ISBN 978-1107675698
2022 Liv Mariah Yarrow [4] The Roman Republic to 49 BCE: Using Coins as Sources. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1107654709
  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 "The Lhotka Memorial Prize". The Royal Numismatic Society.
  2. "Medals and Prizes of the Society". En The Numismatic Chronicle. Vol. 160. 2000. Páxinas III-IV.
  3. "Prizes and Funds of the Society". En The Numismatic Chronicle. Vol. 153. 1993. Páxinas III-VI.
  4. "Yarrow Book Wins Royal Numismatic Society's Lhotka Prize". American Numismatic Society. 26 de xuño de 2023.

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