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Wikipedia:Wikiproxecto Catolicismo oriental/HC

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Mártires Europa oriental (I)

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Mártires Europa oriental (II)

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Ivan Romanov e compañeiros

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Valeriu Traian Frențiu e 6 compañeiros

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Antonii Maletskii e 14 compañeiros

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Mártires Europa oriental (III)

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (17 de novembro de 1998)



       1.        LAZËR SHANTOJA
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 02 September 1892 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 05 March 1945 in Tiranë (Albania)

       2.        NDRE ZADEJA
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 03 November 1891 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 25 March 1945 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       3.        GJON [GIOVANNI] FAUSTI
                   professed priest, Jesuits
                   born: 19 October 1899 in Brozzo in Val Trompia, Brescia (Italy)
       4.        KOLË SHLLAKU (GJON)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 27 July 1907 in Shkodrë (Albania)
       5.        DANIEL DAJANI
                   professed priest, Jesuits
                   born: 02 December 1906 in Blinisht, Zadrima, Lezhë (Albania)
       6.        QERIM SADIKU
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult  
                   born: 18 February 1919 in Vuthaj, Shkodrë (Albania)
       7.        MARK ÇUNI
                   seminarian of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 30 September 1919 in Ranza Bushat, Shkodrë (Albania)
       8.        GJELOSH LULASHI
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 02 September 1925 in Shosh, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 04 March 1946 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       9.        FRAN MIRAKAJ
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult ; married
                   born: 1917 in Pukë-Iballë, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: September 1946 in Tiranë (Albania)

       10.      ALFONS TRACKI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 02 December 1896 in Bliszczyce (a.k.a. Bleischwitz), Branice (Poland)
                   died: 18 July 1946 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       11.      ANTON ZOGAJ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Tiranë-Durrës
                   born: 26 July 1908 in Kthellë, Mirditë (Albania)
                   died: 31 December 1946 in Durrës (Albania)

       12.      LUIGJ PRENDUSHI
                   priest of the diocese of Sapë
                   born: 24 January 1896 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 24 January 1947 in Shelqet, Shkodrë (Albania)

       13.      DEDË MAÇAJ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult  
                   born: o5 February 1920 in Mali Jushit, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 28 March 1947 in Përmet (Albania)

       14.      MARK GJANI [XHANI]
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 10 July 1914 in Mirditë (Albania)
                   died: 1947 in Shën Pal, Mirditë (Albania)

       15.      GJON KODA (SERAFIN)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 25 April 1893 in Janjevë (a.k.a. Janjevo), Lypjan (Serbia)
                   died: 11 May 1947 in Lezhë (Albania)

       16.      GJON PANTALIA
                   professed religious, Jesuits
                   born: 02 June 1887 in Prizren, Kosovo (Serbia)
                   died: 31 October 1947 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       17.      ZEF PALAJ (BERNARDIN)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 02 October 1894 in Shllak, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 02 December 1947 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       18.      FRANO GJINI
                   bishop and abbot nullius of Shën Llezhri-Oroshit
                            (now the diocese of Rrëshen)
                   born: 20 February 1886 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 11 March 1948 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       19.      PAL PRENNUSHI (MATI)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 02 October 1881 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 11 March 1948 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       20.      DEDË NIKAJ (CIPRIAN)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 19 July 1900 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 11 March 1948 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       21.      DEDË PLANI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 21 January 1891 in Shiroka, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 30 April 1948 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       22.      EJËLL DEDA
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 22 February 1917 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 12 May 1948 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       23.      ANTON MUZAJ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 12 May 1921 in Vrnakolo, Kosovo (Serbia)
                   died: spring of 1948 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       24.      PJETËR ÇUNI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 09 July 1914 in Shkodrë (Albania)
       25.      LEK SIRDANI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult  
                   born: 01 March 1891 in Bogë, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 29 July 1948 in Koplek, Shkodrë (Albania)

       26.      JOSIF MIHALI
                   priest of the apostolic administration of
                       Southern Albanian (Albanian Greek-Catholic Rite)
                   born: 23 September 1912 in Elbasan (Albania)
                   died: 26 October 1948 in Maliq, Korçë (Albania)

                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor;
                           archbishop of Durrës
                   born: 04 September 1885 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 20 March 1949 in Durrës (Albania)

       28.      ZEF MARKSEN [JOSEF MARXEN]
                   priest of the diocese of Lezhë
                   born: 05 August 1906 in Worringen, Cologne (Germany)
                   died: 16 November 1946 in Tiranë (Albania)

       29.      JAK BUSHATI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 08 August 1890 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 12 February 1949 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       30.      MIKEL SUMA (GASPËR)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 23 March 1897 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 16 April  1950 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       31.      MARIA TUCI
                   young layperson of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 12 April 1928 in Ndërfushaz, Mirditë (Albania)
                   died: 24 October 1950 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       32.      JUL BONATI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Tiranë-Durrës
                   born: 24 May 1874 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 05 November 1951 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       33.      NDUE SERREQI (KARL)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 26 February 1911 in Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 04 April 1954 in Burrel, Shkodrë (Albania)

       34.      NDOC SUMA
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 31 July 1887 in Nënshat, Lezhë (Albania)
                   died: 22 April 1958 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       35.      DEDË MALAJ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 16 November 1917 in Dushkul, Mali Shëngjinit, Lezhë (Albania)
                   died: 12 May 1959 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       36.      MARIN SHKURTI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 01 October 1933 in Samrish, Dajç-Bregu i Bunës, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: April 1969 in Shkodrë (Albania)

       37.      SHTJEFËN KURTI
                   priest of  the archdiocese of Tiranë-Durrës
                   born: 24 December 1898 in Ferizaj (a.k.a. Uroševac), Kosovo (Serbia)
                   died: 20 October 1971 in Fushe, Krujë (Albania)

       38.      MIKEL BELTOJA
                   priest of the archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult 
                   born: 09 May 1935 in Beltoj, Shkodrë (Albania)
                   died: 10 February 1974 in Shkodrë (Albania)

                   competent forum: Shkodrë-Pult
                   CCS protocol number: 2484
                   type of cause: martyrdom

                   transfer of competent forum: 07 June 2002 (from Tiranë-Durrës and others)
                   nihil obstat: 04 September 2002
                   opening of diocesan inquiry: 10 November 2002
                   closing of diocesan inquiry: 08 December 2010
                   decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 09 March 2012
                   submission of Positio to CCS: 2015
                   particular meeting of theological consultors: 17 December 2015
                   session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 19 April 2016
                   promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 26 April 2016
                   beatification: 05 November 2016

                   postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano, ofm
                   petitioner: Arqipeshkvia Metropolitane Shkodër-Pult, Sheshi Gjon Pali II, Shkodrë, ALBANIA
                                        Kuria Provinciale Kuvendi i Sh Françeskut, Gjuhadol Lagjja Vasil Shanto,
                                                        Rr Ndre Mjeda, Shkodrë, ALBANIA
                                        Shoqëria e Jezusit, Rruga e Jezuiteve, 4001 Shkodër, ALBANIA

Mártires Europa oriental (IV)

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (6 de xullo de 2002)
  1. Dmytro Yaremko (Дмитро Яремко)
  2. Mykola Shchepaniuk (Микола Щепанюк)
  3. Stepan Knysh (Степан Книш)
  4. Ivan Tatarynskyi (Іван Татаринський)
  5. Mykola Kosovych (Микола Косович)

       6.        PETRO PASTUKH [Петро Пастух]
       7.        YOSYF HRYCHAI [Йосиф Грицай]
       8.        MARIAN KASHUBA [Маріян Кашуба]
       9.        HRYHORII KMET’ [Григорій Кметь]
       10.      ANTON RYCHAKIVS’KYI [Антон Ричаківський
       11.      YAROSLAV CHEMERYNS’KYI [Ярослав Чемеринський]
       12.      YOSYF BUCHYNS’KYI [Йосиф Бучинський]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ternopil’; married
                   born: 05 September 1891 in Zastavja, Ternopil (Ukraine)
                   died: end of 1941 in Bryhidky prison, Lviv (Ukraine)

Andrii Bandera 13. ANDRII BANDERA [Андрій Бандера]


       15.      PETRO KORDUBA [Петро Кордуба]

        16.     ROMAN KHOMYN (RAFAIL) [РОМАН Хомин (Рафаїл)]
                   professed priest, Ukrainian Studite Monks
                   born: 05 January 1907 in Piddnistrjany, Zhydaciv, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 10 October 1944 in Kryvcyci, Lviv (Ukraine)

       17.      MYKHAILO MARTYNIUK (MARTYN)  [Михайло Мартинюк (Мартин)]
                   professed priest, Ukrainian Studite Monks
                   born: 1908 in Radca, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: February 1945 in Lviv (Ukraine)

Avhustyn Voloshyn 18. AVHUSTYN VOLOSHYN [Августин Волошин]

       19.      MYKOLA HALIANT [Микола Галянт]
       20.      STEFANIA LEVYTS’KYI TARANTIUK [Стефанія Левицький Тарантюк]
       21.      YOSYF YARYMOVYCH [Йосиф Яримович]
       22.      HRYHORII KHAMCHUK [Григорій Хамчук]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ternopil
                   born: 1885 in Chornokinchi, Kopychynchi, Ternopil (Ukraine)
                   died: 19 May 1946 in Qaraghandy (Kazakhstan)

Vasyl' Lonchyna 23. VASYL’ LONCHYNA [Василь Лончина]

                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians; married
                   born: 01 February 1886 in Derniv, Kamjanka-Buzka (a.k.a. Kamjanka Strumylova),
                                       Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 21 November 1946 in Makejevka, Dontesk (Ukraine)

       24.      DANIIL VASYL’ KYSILEVS’KYI [Даниїл Василь Кисілевський]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk; married
                   born: 12 February 1902 in Roshniv, Tysmenytsia (Ukraine)
                   died: 06 September 1947 in Ukhta, Vorkuta, Komi (Russia)

Petro Mekelyta

       25.      PETRO MEKELYTA [Петро Мекелита]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Przemyśl-Warszawa; married
                   born: 13 June 1868 in Butyny, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 30 September 1947 in Lviv (Ukraine)

       26.      TEODOR NIMYLOVYCH [Теодор Німилович]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians; married
                   born: 1889 in Drohobych, Lviv (Ukraine)
       27.      OLHA KAPKO NIMYLOVYCH [ОЛЬГА КАПКО Німилович]
                   layperson of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians; married
                   died: 25 October 1947 in Unjatyci, Drohobych, Lviv (Ukraine)

       28.      IVAN ROZUMNII [Іван Розумний]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk
                   born: 1891 in Korniv, Horodenka, Ivano Frankivsk (Ukraine)
                   died: 13 May 1948 in Nihzni Poima, Krasnoyarsk (Russia)

       29.      YULIAN KRYNYCH’KYI [Юлян Криницький]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Przemyśl-Warszawa
                   born: 21 March 1878 in
                   died: 31 July 1948 in Jaworzno, Śląskie (Poland)

Yosyf Ostashevs'kyi 30. YOSYF OSTASHEVS’KYI [Йосиф Осташевський]

                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians; married
                   born: 14 August 1890 in Lesniv, Brody, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 02 October 1948 in Kharkiv (Ukraine)

       31.      VOLODOMYR CHUBATYI [Володимир Чубатий]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ternopil’; married
                   born: 09 January 1895 in Haji Khodorovs’ki, Ternopil (Ukraine)
                   died: 07 May 1949 in Vorkuta, Komi (Russia)

       32.      MYKHAILO OSADCHA [Михайло Осадца]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians
                   born: 1887 in Voloschyna, Berezhany, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 14 November 1951 in Abez’, Vorkuta, Komi (Russia)

Maria Teodorovych-Polyans'ka 33. MARIA TEODOROVYCH-POLYANS’KA (MONIKA)

                           [Марія Теодорович-Полянська (Моніка)]
                   widow; professed religious, Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great
                   born: 28 May 1885 in Ivanykivka, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)
                   died: 25 December 1951 in Markovo, Chuvashskaya (Russia)

       34.      VOLODYMYR SLIUZAR [Володимир Слюсар]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians
                   born: 1898 in Kolodijivka, Pidvolochys’k,  Ternopil (Ukraine)
                   died: 26 March 1952 in Komi (Russia)

Marian Halan

       35.      MARIAN HALAN [Мар’ян Галан]
                   professed priest, Redemptorists
                   born: 28 September 1927 in Zhyrivka, Pustomyty, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 05 June 1952 in Stavropol (Russia)

       36.      PETRO LUTSYK (PORFYRII) [Петро Луцик (Порфирій)]
                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josaphat
                   born: 05 January 1896 in Parkhac, Červonohrad (a.k.a. Krystynopoli),
                                       Volynsk (Ukraine)
                   died: 09 August 1952 in Novosibirsk (Russia)

       37.      MYKHAILO HORECHKO [Михайло Горечко]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Przemyśl-Warszawa
                   born: 19 October 1900 in Yaksmanyci, Podkarpackie (Poland)
                   died: 16 January 1953 in Khabarovsk (Russia)

       38.      MYKHAILO VOVCHYK [Михайло Вовчик]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Przemyśl-Warszawa
                   born: 05 June 1892 in Stary Sambir, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 05 November 1953 in Schelhovka, Donetsk (Ukraine)

Stepan Venhrynovych

       39.      STEPAN VENHRYNOVYCH [Степан Венгринович]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians; married
                   born: 07 April 1897 in Khyrynka, Podkarpackie (Poland)
                   died: 19 June 1954 in Dzonka, Khabarovsk (Russia)

       40.      OMELIAN HORCHYNS’KYI [Омелян Горчинський]
                   priest of the archeparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians
                   born: 21 November 1888 in Ternopil (Ukraine)
                   died: 27 July 1954 in Potma, Mordovia (Russia)

       41.      STEPAN CHEKHOVS’KYI [Степан Чеховський]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ternopil; married
                   born: 1884 in Snjatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)
                   died: 1954 in Mordovia (Russia)

       42.      PETRO OLENS’KYI (PAVLO) [Петро Оленський (Павло)]
                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josaphat
                   born: 18 June 1888 in Hrusyatychi, Zhidachev, Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 02 March 1955 in Siberia (Russia)

Yosyf Vasyl’ Zavadiak 43. YOSYF ZAVADIAK (VASYL’) [Йосиф Завадяк (ВАСИЛЬ)]

                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josaphat
                   born: 23 February 1911 in Novoselycja, Mizhgirja, Zakarpatsk (Ukraine)
                   died: 04 December 1958 in Rokosovo, Khust, Zakarpatsk (Ukraine)

       44.      ANTONII KAZNOVS’KYI [Антоній Казновський]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ternopil; married
                   born: 23 July 1878 in Bucac, Ternopil (Ukraine)
                   died: 13 February 1959 in Mariupoli (a.k.a. Zdanov), Donetsk (Ukraine)

       45.      ANATOLII HURHULA [Анатолій Гургула]
                   priest of the eparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk; married
                   born: 15 July 1905 in Tomasivka, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)
       46.      IRINA DURBAK HURHULA [Ірина Дурбак Гургула]

Maria Shveda 47. MARIA SHVEDA [Марія Шведа]

Mártires Europa oriental (V)

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (17 de novembro de 1998)



Maria Christophora Klomfass 1. MarTA KLOMFASS (MARia CHRISTOPHORA)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 19 August 1903 in Rasząg (a.k.a. Raschung), Biskupiec (Poland)
                   died: 22 January 1945 in Olsztyn (a.k.a. Allenstein) (Poland)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 12 October 1904 in Leginy (a.k.a. Legienen), Kętrzyn (Poland)
                   died: 22 January 1945 in Olsztyn (a.k.a. Allenstein) (Poland)

Maria Aldegard BönigkMaria Sekundina Rautenberg

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 23 December 1887 in Gołagóra (a.k.a. Blankenger), Świątki (Poland)
         4.      AGATHE EUPHEMIA BÖNIGK (Maria Adelgard)
                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 05 February 1900 in Stary Targ (a.k.a. Altmark), Sztum (Poland)
                   died: 27 January 1945 in Kętrzyn (a.k.a. Rastenburg) (Poland)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 29 September 1880 in Dąbrowa Chełmińska (a.k.a. Damerau),
                                       Bydgoszcz (Poland)
                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 12 August 1882 in Bartąg (a.k.a. Bertung), Stawiguda (Poland)
                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 01 December 1886 in Błudowo (a.k.a. Bludau), Młynary, Elbląg (Poland)
                   died: 02 February 1945 in Lidzbark Warmiński (a.k.a. Heilsberg), (Poland)


Maria Mauritia Margenfeld professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr

                   born: 24 April 1904 in Sawity (a.k.a. Soweiden), Pieniężno, Braniewo (Poland)
                   died: 07 April 1945 in Tula (Russia)   

       9.        ANNA PESTKA (MARIA BONA)
                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 1905 in ?
                   died: 01 May 1945 in Orneta (a.k.a. Wormditt), Lidzbark (Poland)

Maria Generosa Bolz 10. MARIA BOLZ (MARIA GENEROSA)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 26 May 1902 in Łęgajny (a.k.a. Lengainen), Barczewo,
                                       Olsztyn (Poland)
                   died: 09 May 1945 in Olsztyn (a.k.a. Allenstein) (Poland)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 02 September 1918 in Wola Wilknicka (a.k.a. Rosenwalde),
                                       Lelkowo, Braniewo (Poland)
                   died: 30 May 1945 in Orneta (a.k.a. Wormditt), Lidzbark (Poland)

Maria Leonis Müller 12. KÄTHE MÜLLER (MARIA LEONIS)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 03 February 1913 in Gdańsk (a.k.a. Danzig) (Poland)
                   died: 05 June 1945 in Siberia (Russia)

Maria Charitina Fahl

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 10 March 1887 in Miejska Wola (a.k.a. Bürgerwalde),
                                       Lidzbark (Poland)
                   died: 05 June 1945 in Wrzeszcz (a.k.a. Langfuhr), Gdańsk (Poland)

Maria Rolanda Abraham 14. MARIA ABRAHAM (MARIA ROLANDA)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 17 June 1914 in Tolkmicko (a.k.a. Tolkemit), Elbląg (Poland)
                   died: 16 June 1945 in Orneta (a.k.a. Wormditt), Lidzbark (Poland)

Maria Tiburtia Mischke

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 27 October 1888 in Krokowo (a.k.a. Krokau), Jeziorany,
                                       Olsztyn (Poland)
                   died: 07 August 1945 in Osanovo-Dubovskoye, Moscow (Russia)

Maria Xaveria Rohwedder

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
                   born: 25 May 1887 in Płoskinia (a.k.a. Plasswich), Braniewo (Poland)
                   died: 25 November 1945 in Dobre Miasto (a.k.a. Guttstadt), Olsztyn (Poland)

                   competent forum: Warmia
                   CCS protocol number: 2628
                   type of cause: martyrdom

                   nihil obstat: 16 November 2004
                   opening of diocesan inquiry: 08 December 2004
                   transfer of competent forum: 07 February 2005
                   closing of diocesan inquiry: 09 December 2006
                   decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 07 December 2007
                   submission of Positio to CCS:
                   particular meeting of theological consultors:
                   session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 

                   postulator: Sr. Józefa Krause, csc
                   petitioner: [see 1613: Regina Protmann]



Paul Chmielewski 1. PAUL CHMIELEWSKI

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 02 January 1889 in Unieszewo (a.k.a. Schönfelde),
                                   Gietrzwałd (Poland)
                   died: 22 January 1945 in Klebark Wielki (a.k.a. Gross Kleeberg),
                                   Purda (Poland)

       2.        BERNARD KLEMENT
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 17 October 1888 in Butryny (a.k.a. Wuttrienen), Purda (Poland)
                   died: 22 January 1945 in Olsztyn (a.k.a. Allenstein) (Poland)

Otto Lanhkau 3. OTTO LANGKAU

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 31 October 1871 in Podlejki (a.k.a. Polleiken), Gietrzwałd (Poland)
                   died: 22 January 1945 in Bartąg (a.k.a. Bertung), Stawiguda (Poland)

       4.        CÄCILIA GRABOSCH (MATERN)
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Warmia; married
                   born: 10 January 1915 in Unieszewo (a.k.a. Schönfelde), Gietrzwałd (Poland)
                   died: 22 January 1945 in Wójtowo (a.k.a. Fittigsdorf), Barczewo (Poland)

Bruno Weischel 5. BRUNO WEICHSEL

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 11 October 1903 in Pieniężno (a.k.a. Mehlsack) (Poland)

Hedwig Elisabeth Schnarbach died: 23 January 1945 in Zalewo (a.k.a. Saalfeld), Iława (Poland)

                   young layperson of  the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 16 July 1923 in Kaplityny (a.k.a. Kaplitainen), Barczewo (Poland)
                   died: 23 January 1945 in Kaplityny (a.k.a. Kaplitainen), Barczewo (Poland)

Angela Hildegard Berger 7. ANGELA HILDEGARD BERGER (*)

                   young layperson of  the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 07 April 1926 in Wilczkowo (a.k.a. Wolfsdorf), Brzeżno (Poland)
                   died: 24 January 1945 in Wilczkowo (a.k.a. Wolfsdorf), Brzeżno (Poland)

       8.        AGNES DRABIŃSKA (*)
                   young layperson of  the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 02 February 1922 in Wójtowo (a.k.a. Fittigsdorf), Barczewo (Poland)
                   died: 24 January 1945 in Wójtowo (a.k.a. Fittigsdorf), Barczewo (Poland)

Artur Linka 9. ARTUR LINKA

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 02 May 1887 in Olsztyn (a.k.a. Allenstein) (Poland)

Joachim Ziemetki died: 26 January 1945 in Jonkowo (a.k.a. Jonkendorf), Olsztyn (Poland)

       10.      JOACHIM ZIEMETZKI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 04 September 1886 in Gietrzwałd (a.k.a. Dietrichswalde) (Poland)
                   died: 26 January 1945 in Barczewko (a.k.a. Alt Wartenburg) (Poland)

Jan Lindenblatt 11. JAN LINDENBLATT

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 23 June 1882 in Tolniki Wielkie (a.k.a. Tollnigk), Kiwity (Poland)
                   died: 27 January 1945 in Kętrzyn (a.k.a. Rastenburg) (Poland)

       12.      ULRYK SCHIKOWSKI
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 04 August 1907 in Biskupiec (a.k.a. Bischofsburg) (Poland)
                   died: 27 January 1945 in Chruściel (a.k.a. Tiedmannsdorf),
                                   Płoskinia (Poland)

                   professed religious, Sisters of Saint Elizabeth
                   born: 23 March 1889 in Koźmin (a.k.a. Koschmin), Krotoszyń (Poland)

Jan Marquardt died: 28 January 1945 in Dzierzgoń (a.k.a. Christburg), Sztum (Poland)

       14.      JAN MARQUARDT
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 18 July 1888 in Kłajpeda (a.k.a. Memel), Wiżajny (Poland)
                   died: 29 January 1945 in Paluzy (a.k.a. Plausen), Bisztynek (Poland)

Gottfried Fuchs 15. GOTTFRIED FUCHS (*)

                   professed priest, Society of the Divine Word
                   born: 04 September 1892 in Schlebusch, Leverkusen (Germany)

Franciszek Ludwig died: 29 January 1945 in Sztum (a.k.a. Shtum) (Poland)

       16.      FRANCISZEK LUDWIG
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 29 April 1896 in Orneta (a.k.a. Wormditt), Lidzbark (Poland)
                   died: 30 January 1945 in Sątopy (a.k.a. Santoppen), Bisztynek (Poland)

Artur Schulz 17. ARTUR SCHULZ

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 11 November 1897 in London, England (United Kingdom)

Bruno Siegel died: 30 January 1945 in Bisztynek (a.k.a. Bischofstein) (Poland)

       18.      BRUNO SIEGEL
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 06 November 1889 in Brodnica (a.k.a. Strasburg) (Poland)
                   died: 30 January 1945 in Miłakowo (a.k.a. Liebstadt), Ostróda (Poland)

Gertruda Klimek 19. GERTRUDA KLIMEK (*)

                   young layperson of  the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 12 February 1922 in Wójtowo (a.k.a. Fittigsdorf), Barczewo (Poland)
                   died: 30 January 1945 in Wójtowo (a.k.a. Fittigsdorf), Barczewo (Poland)

       20.      WILHELM BREHM
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 13 April 1907 in Kwidzyn (a.k.a. Marienwerder) (Poland)
                   died: January 1945 in Reszel (a.k.a. Rössel), Kętrzyn (Poland)

Wojciech Prothmann 21. WOJCIECH PROTHMANN

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 15 June 1876 in Gąjle (a.k.a. Gayl), Pieniężno (Poland)

Władysław Świtalski died: 04 February 1945 in Prosity (a.k.a. Prositten), Bisztynek (Poland)

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 27 June 1875 in Kąkolewo, Leszno (Poland)
                   died: 09 February 1945 in Frombork (a.k.a. Frauenberg) (Poland)

Pawel Schwartz

       23.      PAWEŁ SCHWARTZ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 03 March 1878 Lidzbark Warmiński (a.k.a. Heilsberg) (Poland)
                   died: 12 February 1945 in Żegoty (a.k.a. Siegfriedswalde),
                                   Kiwity (Poland)

Maria Veronica FischerAnna Fieberg 24. ANNA FIEBERG

                   layperson of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 23 April 1893 in Dobre Miasto (a.k.a. Guttstadt) (Poland)
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 27 May 1895 in Bornity (a.k.a. Bornitt), Pieniężno(Poland)
                   died: 14 February 1945 in Orneta (a.k.a. Wormditt) (Poland)

Józef Steinki 26. JÓZEF STEINKI

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 19 December 1889 in Głotowo (a.k.a. Glottau) (Poland)

Pawel Huhn died: 16 February 1945 in Olsztyn (a.k.a. Allenstein) (Poland)

       27.      PAWEŁ HUHN
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 23 October 1906 in Jeziorany (a.k.a. Seeburg), Olsztyn (Poland)
                   died: 26 February 1945 in Rychnowy (a.k.a. Rückenau), Człuchów (Poland)

Franciszek Zagermann 28. FRANCISZEK ZAGERMANN

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 28 July 1882 in Zawierz (a.k.a. Zagern), Braniewo (Poland)
                   died: 26 February 1945 in Unikowo (a.k.a. Glockstein), Bisztynek (Poland)

                   young layperson of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 15 October 1928 in Stanclewo (a.k.a. Sternsee), Biskupiec (Poland)
                   died: 09 March 1945 in Stanclewo (a.k.a. Sternsee), Biskupiec (Poland)

       30.      BRUNO BLUDAU (*)
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 09 September 1890 in Miejska Wola (a.k.a. Bürgerwalde),
                                   Lidzbark (Poland)

Gerard Witt died: 05 May 1945 in Kutchino (?), Perm (Russia)

       31.      GERARD WITT
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 03 July 1912 in Reszel (a.k.a. Rössel) (Poland)
                   died: 19 May 1945 in Elbląg (a.k.a. Elbing) (Poland)

Karl Langwald 32. KARL LANGWALD (*)

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 14 December 1886 in Barczewko (Alt Wartenburg) (Poland)

Georg Heide died: May 1945 in Chelyabinsk (Russia)

       33.      GEORG HEIDE (*)
                   professed priest, Society of the Divine Word
                   born: 22 August 1885 in Wołowno (a.k.a. Windken), Jonkowo (Poland)
                   died: 08 July 1945 in Klon (a.k.a. Liebensberg), Czajków (Poland)

       34.      JOHANNES FRANK (*)
                   professed priest, Society of the Divine Word
                   born: 06 January 1900 in Niederscheidweiler,
                                   Bernkastel-Wittlich (Germany)
                   died: December 1945 in Donetsk (a.k.a. Stalino) (Ukraine)

       35.      BRUNO GROSS
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 06 January 1900 in Plutki (a.k.a. Plitken), Dywity (Poland)
                   died: June 1946 in Cheboksary, Chuvashia (Russia)

Ferdynand Podlech 36. FERDYNAND PODLECH

                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 22 February 1878 in Cerkiewnik (a.k.a. Münsterberg),
                                   Dobre Miasto (Poland)

Hubert Gross died: ? 1946 in Siberia (Russia)

       37.      HUBERT GROSS
                   priest of the archdiocese of Warmia
                   born: 31 January 1908 in Malbork (a.k.a. Marienburg) (Poland)
                   died: 19 January 1947 in Kaliningrad (a.k.a. Königsberg) (Russia)

                   competent forum: Warmia
                   CCS protocol number: 2764
                   type of cause: martyrdom

                   nihil obstat: 28 July 2007; January 2008 (*)
                   opening of diocesan inquiry: 15 September 2007
                   closing of diocesan inquiry: 05 November 2011
                   decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:
                   submission of Positio to CCS:
                   particular meeting of theological consultors:
                   session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 

                   petitioner: Archidiecezja Warmińska, ul. Pieniężnego 22, Olsztyn 10-006, POLAND
                                        [Martyrs killed by the Nazis (4): Bronisław Sochaczewski and 7 Companions]

Mártires Europa oriental (VI)

[editar a fonte]

64 mártires de Eslovenia

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (17 de novembro de 1998)
  1. Jaroslav Kikelj
  2. Janez Pavčič
  3. Lambert Ehrlich
  4. Ivanka Novak
  5. Henrik Novak
  6. Darinka Čebulj
  7. Jožef Kofalt
  8. Janko Komljanec
  9. Franc Pavelski Nahtigal
  10. Franc Cvar
  11. Marica Nartnik
  12. Vinko Kastelic
  13. Jakob Omahna
  14. Mihael Grešak
  15. Jože Geoheli
  16. Franc Kramarič
  17. Jakob Sem
  18. Franc Grobler
  19. Anzelm Polak

       20.      JANEZ RANČIGAJ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 12 August 1893 in Gomilsko, Braslovče (Slovenia)
       21.      JANEZ KODRIČ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 01 March 1897 in Studenice, Poljčane (Slovenia)
       22.      FRANC KAČ
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 23 November 1907 in Polzela (Slovenia)
                   died: 17 October 1942 in KZ Jasenovac, Sisak-Moslavina (Croatia)

       23.      Ferdinand Potokar
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 31 August 1911 in Brezno, Dol pri Hrastniku, Hrastnik (Slovenia)
                   died: 05 November 1942 at the Stari Pisker prison, Celje (Slovenia)

       24.      Izidor Završnik
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 04 April 1917 in Sveti Jurij, Tabor (Slovenia)
                   died: 10 March 1943 in Maribor (Slovenia)

       25.      Matej Tušek (Kerubin)
                   professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor
                   born: 08 September 1876 in Sveti Lenart, Železniki (Slovenia)
                   died: 14 May 1943 in Dachau, Oberbayern (Germany)

       26.      IvO Bric
                   layperson of the diocese of Koper; married
                   born: 28 December 1896 in Dornberk, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
                   died: 02 June 1943 in Dornberk, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)

       27.      Alojzij Breznik
                   seminarian of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 29 May 1919 in Rafolče, Lukovica (Slovenia)
                   died: 20 September 1943 in Turjak, Velike Lašče (Slovenia)

       28.      ANICA DROBNIČ
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 28 June 1898 in Hudi Vrh, Bloke (Slovenia)
                   died: 15 October 1943 in Ribnica (Slovenia)

       29.      Srečko Huth
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 09 June 1907 in Ljubljana (Slovenia)
                   died: 19 October 1943 in Koprivnik, Bohinj (Slovenia)

       30.      Franc Kek
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 20 August 1895 in Studenec, Trebnje (Slovenia)
                   died: 21 October 1943 in Padež, Vrhnika (Slovenia)

      31.      Viktor Turk
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 13 October 1891 in Dolenjske Toplice (Slovenia)
                   died: 22 October 1943 in Grčarice, Ribnica (Slovenia)

       32.      ALOJZ GREBENC (PLACID)
                   professed priest, Cistercians
                   born: 12 June 1909 in Dolenji Lazi, Ribnica (Slovenia)
                   died: 24 October 1943 in Grčarice, Ribnica (Slovenia)

       33.      Franc SALEŠKI Gomilšek
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 14 December 1872 in Krčevina pri Vurbergu, Ptuj (Slovenia)
                   died: 29 October 1943 in Dobrnič pri Rdeči Kal, Ivančna Gorica (Slovenia)

       34.      Ivan Salmič (JANKO)
                   professed priest, Teutonic Order
                   born: 04 February 1914 in Raka, Krško (Slovenia)
                   died: 13 November 1943 in Slemine pri Žežlju, Vicina, Črnomelj (Slovenia)

       35.      Veronika [VERA] Lestan
                   layperson of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 03 February 1908 in Miren, Miren - Kostanjevica (Slovenia)
                   died: 17 November 1943 in Renče, Renče-Vogrsko (Slovenia)

       36.      LADISLAV [Lado] Piščanec
                   priest of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 16 June 1914 in Barcola (a.k.a. Barkovlja),
                                   Trieste (Italy)
       37.      Ludvik Sluga
                   priest of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 24 August 1917 in Visoko, Kranj (Slovenia)
       38.      AMALIJA [Malka] Purgar
                   priest of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 07 July 1914 in Zakriž, Cerkno (Slovenia)
                   died: 03 February 1944 in Lajše, Cerkno (Slovenia)

       39.      Franc Kern
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 07 December 1917 in Velesovo, Cerklje na Gorenjskem (Slovenia)
                   died: 21 April 1944 in Sadinja, Žužemberk (Slovenia)

       40.      Franček Pen
                   young layperson of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 09 October 1924 in Maribor (Slovenia)
                   died: 12 May 1944 in Graz, Styria (Austria)

       41.      Jože Brecelj
                   layperson of the diocese of Koper; married
                   born: 30 May 1885 in Žapuže, Ajdovščina (Slovenia)
                   died: 12 July 1944 in Žapuže, Ajdovščina (Slovenia)

       42.      Gizela Lavrenčič-Škvor
                   layperson of the diocese of Koper; married
                   born: in Robidišče, Kobarid (Slovenia)
                   died: 24 September 1944 in Logje, Kobarid (Slovenia)

       43.      MELHIOR LILIJA
                   professed priest, Salesians of Don Bosco
                   born: 04 January 1907 in Zgornje Grucšovlje,
                                    Šempeter v Savinjski Dolini, Žalec (Slovenia)
                   died: 24 September 1944 in Logje, Kobarid (Slovenia)

       44.      Emil Kete
                   seminarian of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 01 July 1924 in Dolenje, Ajdovščina (Slovenia)
                   died: late November 1944 in Šempas, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)

       45.      FRANC OREŠNIK
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 05 April 1908 in Jastrebci, Ormož (Slovenia)
                   died: 12 December 1944 in KZ Jasenovac, Sisak-Moslavina (Croatia)

       46.      Štefan Kuhar
                   professed religious, Salesians of Don Bosco
                   born: 17 August 1908 in Bratonci, Beltinci (Slovenia)
                   died: 20 December 1944 in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

       47.      Ciril Lisjak
                   layperson of the diocese of Koper; married
                   born: 05 October 1897 in Saksid, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
                   died: 10 January 1945 in Saksid, Nova Gorica (Slovenia)

       48.      Anton Duhovnik
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 09 May 1920 in Preska, Medvode (Slovenia)
                   died: 15 April 1945 in Mauthausen, Perg (Austria)

       49.      Lenart [Narte] Velikonja
                   layperson of the archdiocese of Ljubljana; married
                   born: 08 June 1891 in Predmeja, Ajdovščina (Slovenia)
                   died: 25 June 1945 in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

       50.      France Kunstelj
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana

Jože Šerjak born: 22 September 1914 in Vrhnika (Slovenia)

       51.      JOŽE ŠERJAK
                   professed cleric, Salesians of Don Bosco
                   born: 08 June 1918 in Trata pri Velesovem,
                                   Cerklje na Gorenjskem (Slovenia)
       52.      BERNARD ŠTUHEC
                   professed cleric, Salesians of Don Bosco
                   born: 05 January 1920 in Kupetinci,
                                   Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici (Slovenia)
                   died: June 1945 in Teharje, Celje (Slovenia)

       53.      ALOJZIJ RAKAR
                   professed religious, Salesians of Don Bosco
                   born: 24 September 1924 in Šentlovrenc, Trebnje (Slovenia)
                   died: 07 July 1945 in Ajdovščina (Slovenia)

       54.      Filip Terčelj
                   priest of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 02 February 1892  in Grivče, Ajdovščina (Slovenia)
                   died: 07 January 1946 at the Štulčev gorge, Davča, Železniki (Slovenia)

       55.      Peter Križaj                    
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 22 June 1913 in Moste, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
                   died: 20 March 1946 in Urh, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

       56.      Izidor Zavadlav
                   priest of the diocese of Koper
                   born: 27 September 1909 n Vrtojba, Šempeter-Vrtojba (Slovenia)
                   died: 15 September 1946 near Gorenja vas-Poljane (Slovenia)

       57.      IgnacIJ [Ignac] Nadrah
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 21 July 1896 in Mrzlo Polje, Ivančna Gorica (Slovenia)
                   died: 12 January 1947 in Maribor (Slovenia)

       58.      Janez Strašek
                   professed priest, Congregation of the Missions (Vincentians)
                   born: 11 December 1906 in Slake, Podčetrtek (Slovenia)
                   died: 30 March 1947 in Svetice, Zagreb (Croatia)

       59.      Antonija Premrov (Karmela)
                   professed religious, Marian Sisters of the Miraculous Medal       
                   born: 03 June 1912 in Martinjak, Cerknica (Slovenia)
                   died: 14 January 1949 in Cerknica (Slovenia)

       60.      Alfonz Jarc
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 30 July 1904 in Ajdovec na Dolenjskem, Žužemberk (Slovenia)
                   died: 10 August 1949 in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

       61.      Ivan Učak (Valerijan)
                   professed priest, Teutonic Order
                   born: 03 August 1883 in Cerknica (Slovenia)
                   died:  19 September 1949 in Polje, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

       62.      Alojzij Vrhnjak
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 21 May 1893 in Pameče, Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia)
                   died: 05 March 1950 in Maribor (Slovenia)

       63.      MATEJ KROF
                   priest of the archdiocese of Maribor
                   born: 09 September 1916 in Mežica (Slovenia)
                   died: 23 May 1950 in Podpeca, Črna na Koroškem (Slovenia)

       64.      Valentin Oblak
                   priest of the archdiocese of Ljubljana
                   born: 12 February 1875 in Mavčiče, Kranj (Slovenia)
                   died: 21 September 1951 in Preska, Medvode (Slovenia)

                   competent forum: Ljubljana
                   CCS protocol number: 2552
                   type of cause: martyrdom

                   nihil obstat:
                   opening of diocesan inquiry:
                   closing of diocesan inquiry:
                   decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:
                   submission of Positio to CCS:
                   particular meeting of theological consultors:
                   session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 

                   postulator: Rev. Simon Lorber
                   petitioner: Slovenska škofovska konferenca, Ciril-Metodov trg 4,
                                              p.p. 1990, 1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA



                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   died: ? 1919 in Domony, Pest (Hungary)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 17 July 1869 in Velykyi Bereznyi (Ukraine)
                   died: 23 April 1945 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   born: 13 October 1892 in Velyki Luchky, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 30 March 1946 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       4.        LEGEZA PETER (ПЕТРО ЛЕГЕЗА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 12 August 1912 in Iňačovce, Michalovce (Slovakia)
                   died: 24 November 1946 in Nehrovets’, Mizhhirya (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 16 January 1879 in Rus’ke Pole, Tiachiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 01 December 1947 in Lviv (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 30 January 1889 in Chornotysiv, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: ? 1947 in Tomsk (Russia)

       7.        KESELYA IVÁN (ІВАН КЕШЕЛЯ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 08 May 1904 in Stare Davydkovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: ? 1947 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 05 August 1901 in Lviv (Ukraine)
                   died: 13 November 1948 in Siberia (Russia)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 28 February 1879 in Zavidovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: ? August 1949  in Lviv (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 06 August 1881 in Topoľany, Michalovce (Slovakia)
                   died: 27 March 1950 in Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 10 December 1893 in Nagydobos, 
                                    Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg  (Hungary)
                   died: 16 June 1950 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians 
                   born: 06 January 1906 in Zaluzhzhia, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: ? June 1950 in Lviv (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married 
                   born: 03 May 1889 in Trnava pri Laborci, Michalovce (Slovakia)
                   died: 24 December 1950 in Abez’, Inta, Komi (Russia)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 06 November 1877 in Dobriany, Stryi (Ukraine)
                   died: ? 1950  in Siberia (Russia)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 12 January 1879 in Vyshkovo, Khust (Ukraine)
                   died: 15 July 1951 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 03 January 1882 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 16 July 1951 in Yavas, Zubova-Polyana, Mordovia (Russia)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 03 September 1886 in Dobryans’ke, Tiachiv (Ukraine)
                   died:  ? December 1951 in Aktas, Talgar (Kazakhstan)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 15 February 1908 in Dilok, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 14 February 1953 in Spassk-Dalny, Primorye (Russia)

       19.      CHOMA VIKTOR (ВІКТОР ХОМА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 23September 1891 in Velyki Luchky, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 12 April 1953 in Rivne (Ukraine)

       20.      CSÉPES JÁNOS (ІВАН ЧЕЙПЕШ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 05 October 1918 in Korolevo, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 05 August 1953 in Vorkuta, Komi (Russia)

                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josapahat
                   born: 27 March 1894 in Kliucharky, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 26 September 1953 in Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo (Russia)

       22.      PETRIK JENŐ (ЄВГЕН ПЕТРИК)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians 
                   born: 26 January 1892 in Lemkivtsi, Uzhhorod (Ukraine)
                   died: 29 November 1953 in Abez’, Inta, Komi (Russia)

       23.      Durnevics Tódor (Теодор ДУРНЕВИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married     
                   born: 08 September 1904 in Latirka, Volovets (Ukraine)
                   died: 17 April 1954 in Yavas, Zubova-Polyana, Mordovia (Russia)

       24.      Tivadar István (Стефан ТІВОДОР)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 14 April 1895 in Nyírkarász, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (Hungary)
                   died: 25 July 1954  in Tayshet, Irkutsk (Russia)

                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 19 October 1917 in Nehrovo, Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 26 July 1954 in Jezkazgan (a.k.a. Dzhezkazgan),
                                    Karaganda (Kazakhstan)

       26.      Mózer Mihály (Михайло МОЗЕР)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 30 September 1915 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 23 February 1955 in Karaganda (Kazakhstan)

       27.      Ruszinkó Miklós (Микола РУСИНКО)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 10 December 1886 in Sasovo, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 04 June 1955 in Abez’, Inta, Komi (Russia)

       28.      Legeza István (Стефан ЛЕГЕЗА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 24 August 1892 in Dilok, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 11 July 1955 in Yavas, Zubova-Polyana, Mordovia (Russia)

       29.      Baltovics Miklós (Микола БАЛТОВИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 23 February 1886 in Mala Martynka, Svaliava (Ukraine)
                   died: 19 August 1955 in Turytsya, Perechyn (Ukraine)

       30.      Kohutics Tivadar (Теодор КОГУТИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 21 July 1881 in Rakoshyno, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 20 September 1955 in Abez’, Inta, Komi (Russia)

       31.      Csubáti Joszif (Йосиф ЧУБАТИЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 16 January 1909 in Zhabokruky, Tlumach (Ukraine)
                   died: 24 October 1956 in Vorkuta, Komi (Russia)

       32.      Azary András (Андрій АЗАРІЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 21 May 1903 in Turulung (a.k.a. Túrterebes),
                                   Satu Mare (Romania)
                   died: 18 January 1957 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       33.      Szabó András (Андрій САБОВ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married     
                   born: 28 January 1894 in Banské, Vranov nad Topľou  (Slovakia)
                   died: 27 March 1957 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       34.      Duliskovics Eumén (Євмен ДУЛИШКОВИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 28 April 1889 in Suskovo, Svaliava (Ukraine)
                   died: 22 August 1958 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       35.      Egressy Sándor (Олександр ЕГРЕШІ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 08 March 1892 in Pryborzhavs’ke (a.k.a. Zádnye), 
                                     Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died:  03 September 1959 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       36.      Egressy János (Іван ЕГРЕШІ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 11 August 1898 in Pryborzhavs’ke (a.k.a. Zádnye), 
                                     Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 10 May 1962 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       37.      Matécsa György (Юрій МАТЕЙЧА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   born: 17 February 1888 in Csegöld, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (Hungary)
                   died: 16 September 1962 in Il’nytsya, Irshava (Ukraine)

       38.      Ivancsó Gyula (Юлій ІВАНЧО)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   born: 13 March 1889 in Veryatsya, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 02 March 1963 in Korolevo, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)

       39.      Egressy Mihály (Михайло ЕГРЕШІ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 08 May 1904 in Berezovo, Khust (Ukraine)
                   died: 02 July 1964 in Irshava (Ukraine)

       40.      Romzsa Nesztor (Нестор РОМЖА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 16 December 1901 in Suskovo, Svaliava (Ukraine)
                   died: 24 March 1966 in Irshava (Ukraine)

       41.      Bóbita Mihály (Микола БОБІТА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 09 August  1911 in Loza, Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 27 May 1967 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       42.      Marina Lőrinc (Лаврентій МАРИНА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 07 December 1907 in Solotvyno, Tiachiv (Ukraine)
                   died: ? May 1967 in Solotvyno, Tiachiv (Ukraine)

       43.      Maliska János (Іван МАЛИШКО)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married   
                   born: 11 February 1911 in Lokhovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 27 August 1968 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       44.      Popovics Demeter (Дмитро ПОПОВИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 07 November 1899 in Onok, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 03 October 1968  in Khust (Ukraine)

       45.      Bacsinszky Dániel (Даниїл БАЧИНСЬКИЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 25 November 1911 in Sil’tse, Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 12 December 1968 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       46.      Dankánics Mihály (Михайло ДАНКАНИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   born: 02 August 1913 in Zahattia, Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 24 February 1969 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       47.      Puskás László (Василь ПУШКАШ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 21 September 1920 in Vylok, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 27 April 1969 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       48.      Mikita József (Йосиф МИКИТА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 27 April 1895 in Nižná Rybnica, Sobrance (Slovakia)
                   died: 14 April 1971 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       49.      Csurgovich György (Георгій ЧУРГОВИЧ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 1905 in Slavkovce, Michalovce (Slovakia)
                   died: 23 January 1972 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       50.      Lozán László (Polikárp) [Василь ЛОЗАН (Полікарп)]
                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josapahat
                   born: 06 August 1908 in Mizhhirya (Ukraine)
                   died: 15 April 1972 in Berehove (Ukraine)

       51.      Szabó József (Йосиф САБОВ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 21 April 1924 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)
                   died: 11 July 1972 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       52.      Bobik Mihály [Михайло БОБИК (Мефодій)]
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married 
                   born: 17 February 1903 in Horinchovo, Khust (Ukraine)
                   died: ? October 1972 in Soimy, Mizhhirya (Ukraine)

       53.      Kabáczy Rudolf Rezső (Рудольф Реже КАБАЦІЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 07 May 1885 in Strabychovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 23 January 1973 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       54.      Bacsinszky Gyula (Юлій БАЧИНСЬКИЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 06 March 1885 in Kalina, Tiachiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 21 May 1973  in Berehove (Ukraine)

       55.      Kótyuk Ferenc (Франціск КОВТЮК)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 16 October 1914 in Haloch, Uzhhorod (Ukraine)
                   died: 25 July 1973 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       56.      Melles Jenő-János (Євген-Іван МЕЛЛЕШ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 03 March 1897 in Nehrovo, Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 06 April 1974 in Hajdúdorog, Hajdú-Bihar (Hungary)

       57.      Matejkó János (Іван МАТЕЙКО)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 11 August 1914 in Kęty, Oświęcim (Poland)
                   died: 08 July 1974 in Korolevo, Vynohradiv (Ukraine)

       58.      Dzurócsik Mihály (Михайло ДЗУРОВЧИК)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 18 September 1900 in Horonda, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 11 June 1975 in Berehove (Ukraine)

       59.      Murányi Miklós (Микола МУРАНІ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 01 May 1911 in Berezovo, Khust (Ukraine)
                   died: 12 January 1979 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       60.      Drebitkó Demeter (Dioniziosz)
                        [Дмитро ДРЕБІТКО (Діонісій)]
                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josapahat
                   born: 31 October 1911 in Svaliava (Ukraine)
                   died: 26 July 1979 in Svaliava (Ukraine)

       61.      Szokol Iván (Іван СОКОЛ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 29 April 1899 in Choma (now Zatysivka), Vynohradiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 21 December 1979 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       62.      Stecz László (Василь ШТЕЦЬ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 23 October 1909 in Rosvyhovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 29 June 1980 in Rosvyhovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       63.      Zseltvay Gyula (Юлій ЖЕЛТВАЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 05 March 1911 in Izky, Mizhhirya (Ukraine)
                   died: 17 November 1980 in Rosvyhovo, Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       64.     Paszulyka Jenő (Євген ПАСУЛЬКА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 18 January 1904 in Ruská (a.k.a Dobóruszka),
                                     Michalovce (Slovakia)
                   died: 18 March 1981 in Berehove (Ukraine)

       65.      Trompák Gyula (Юлій ТРОМПАК)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 26 August 1898 in Berehove (Ukraine)
                   died:  01 September 1982 in Mukacheve (Ukraine)

       66.      Chira Sándor (ОЛЕКСАНДР ХИРА) *
                   eparch of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   born: 17 January 1897 in Vil’khivtsi, Tiachiv (Ukraine)
                   died: 26 May 1983 in Karaganda (Kazakhstan)

       67.      Szkiba János (Іван СКИБА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 21 December 1910 in
                   died: 25 November 1983 in

       68.      Demeter Mihály (Михайло ДЕМЕТЕР)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 25 August 1908 in Svaliava (Ukraine)
                   died: 01 March 1984 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

       69.      Terbán Mihály (Михайло ТЕРБАН)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 01 November 1910 in Bukovets’, Mizhhirya (Ukraine)
                   died: 21 January 1985 in Berehove (Ukraine)

       70.      Legeza József (Йосиф ЛЕГЕЗА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 09 September 1888 in Berehove (Ukraine)
                   died: 21 November 1985 in Berehove (Ukraine)

       71.      Urszta István (Стефан УРСТА)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 20 August 1914 in Imstychovo, Irshava (Ukraine)
                   died: 13 March 1988 in Bilky, Irshava (Ukraine)

       72.      Szidej Tódor (Iván) [Теодор СІДЕЙ (Іван)]
                   professed priest, Basilians of Saint Josapahat 
                   born: 14 February 1915 in Nehrovets’, Mizhhirya (Ukraine)
                   died: 07 November 1989 in Imstychovo, Irshava (Ukraine)

       73.      Jankovszkij Illya (Ілля ЯНКОВСЬКИЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married       
                   born: 02 February 1902 in Dobriany, Stryi (Ukraine)
                   died: 25 January 1991 in Malyi Bereznyi, Velykyi Bereznyi (Ukraine)

       74.      Bendász István (Стефан БЕНДАС)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 03 August 1903 in Bobovyshche, Mukacheve (Ukraine)
                   died: 13 August 1991 in Berehove (Ukraine)

       75.      Bacsinszki Tódor (Теодор БАЧИНСЬКИЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 16 February 1911 in Stavne, Velykyi Bereznyi (Ukraine)
                   died:  09 September 1996 in Košice (Slovakia)

       76.      Ortutay Elemér (Елемир ОРТУТАЙ)
                   priest of the eparchy of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians; married
                   born: 02 June 1916 in Drahovo, Khust (Ukraine)
                   died: 25 January 1997 in Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

                   competent forum: Mukacheve of the Ruthenians
                   CCS protocol number: 1668
                   type of cause: martyrdom

                   nihil obstat:  17 December 1994 (*)
                   opening of diocesan inquiry:
                   closing of diocesan inquiry:
                   decree on validity of diocesan inquiry:
                   submission of Positio to CCS:
                   particular meeting of theological consultors:
                   session of cardinal and bishop members of the CCS: 

                   petitioner: Mukachivs’ka Hreko-Katolyts’ka Eparkhiia, vul. Zakarpats’ka  18,
                                                      m. Uzhorod 88017, UKRAINE
                                        (Мукачівська греко-католицька єпархія, вул. Закарпатська, 18,
                                                      м. Ужгород, 88017, Україна)

Mártires Europa oriental (VII)

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Servos de Deus (17 de novembro de 1998)

Mártires Europa oriental (VIII)

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Bernát Károlyi e 6 compañeiros

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Servos de Deus (2 de xullo de 2011)
  1. Krizosztom Körösztös
  2. Kristóf Kovács
  3. Zénó Hajnal
  4. Szaléz Kiss
  5. Pelbárt Lukács
  6. Rafael Kriszten
  7. Bernát Károlyi

Leo Petrović e 65 compañeiros

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (2 de xullo de 2011)
  1. Krešimir Pandžić
  2. Augustin Zubac
  3. Roland Zlopaša
  4. Zvonko Grubušić
  5. Rudo Jurić
  6. Kornelije Sušac
  7. Marko Barbarić Lesko
  8. Stanko Kraljević
  9. Ivo Slišković
  10. Krsto Kraljević
  11. Arkanđeo Nuić
  12. Dobroslav Šimović
  13. Tadija Kožul
  14. Borislav Pandžić
  15. Žarko Leventić
  16. Viktor Kosir
  17. Stjepan Majić
  18. Ludovik Radoš
  19. Andrija Jelčić
  20. Bonifacije Majić
  21. Radoslav Vukšić
  22. Fabijan Paponja
  23. Leonard Rupčić
  24. Miljenko Ivanković
  25. Melhior Prlić
  26. Fabijan Kordić
  27. Mariofil Sivrić
  28. Leo Petrović
  29. Grgo Vasilj
  30. Jozo Bencun
  31. Bernardin Smoljan
  32. Kažimir Bebek
  33. Rafo Prusina
  34. Nenad Venancije Pehar
  35. Julijan Kožul
  36. Paško Martinac Čerin
  37. Martin Sopta
  38. Zdenko Zubac
  39. Slobodan Lončar
  40. Maksimilijan Jurčić
  41. Petar Sesar
  42. Križan Galić
  43. Filip Gašpar
  44. Ćiril Ivanković
  45. Jakov Križić
  46. Marko Dragičević
  47. Nevinko Mandić
  48. Bono Andačić
  49. Valentin Zovko
  50. Andrija Topić
  51. Stjepan Naletilić
  52. Bono Jelavić
  53. Radoslav Glavaš
  54. Metod Puljić
  55. Darinko Mikulić
  56. Julijan Petrović
  57. Bruno Adamčik
  58. Anđelko Nuić
  59. Branko Šušak
  60. Jenko Vasilj
  61. Emil Stipić
  62. Dane Čolak
  63. Tihomir Zubac
  64. Lujo Milićević
  65. Svetislav Markotić
  66. Stjepan Majić

Mártires Europa oriental (IX)

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Václav Drbola e Jan Bula

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (28 de xaneiro de 2004 e 14 de abril de 2011)
  1. Václav Drbola
  2. Jan Bula

Maria Paschalis Jahn e 9 compañeiras

[editar a fonte]
Servas de Deus (28 de xuño de 2011)
  1. Juliana Edelburgis Kubitzki
  2. Elfrieda Rosaria Schilling
  3. Klara Adela Schramm
  4. Anna Sabina Thienel
  5. Łucja Sapientia Heymann
  6. Marta Melusja Rybka
  7. Jadwiga Adelheidis Töpfer
  8. Anna Felicitas Ellmerer
  9. Helena Acutina Goldberg
  10. Maria Paschalis Jahn

Juraj Gospodnetić e 3 compañeiros

[editar a fonte]
Servos de Deus (9 de decembro de 2014)
  1. Juraj Gospodnetić
  2. Waldemar Maksimilijan Nestor
  3. Krešimir Barišić
  4. Antun Dujlović

Mártires de Iraq

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