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Troponina I tipo 3

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PDB 1j1d
Troponina I tipo 3 (cardíaca)
Símbolo TNNI3
Símbolos alt. CMH7
Entrez 7137
HUGO 11947


RefSeq NM_000363
UniProt P19429
Outros datos
Locus Cr. 19 q13.4

A troponina I, músculo cardíaco ou troponina I tipo 3 (TNNI3) é unha proteína que nos humanos está codificada no xene TNNI3 do cromosoma 19.[1][2] É unha das tres isoformas da troponina I; as outras dúas son TNNI1 e TNNI2. Esta isoforma exprésase no músculo cardíaco. Únese á actina dos filamentos finos musculares mantendo inhibida a contracción muscular (cando o calcio se une á troponina C esta inhibición desaparece). A troponina é un complexo de tres subunidades: troponina C, I e T.


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A TNNI3 interacciona con PKD2L1,[3] e coa troponina C tipo 1.[4][5][6][7][8] Está mutada en moitos caosos de enfermidade renal policística 2.[9]

  1. Mogensen J, Kruse TA, Borglum AD (Jun 1998). "Assignment of the human cardiac troponin I gene (TNNI3) to chromosome 19q13.4 by radiation hybrid mapping". Cytogenet Cell Genet 79 (3-4): 272–3. PMID 9605869. doi:10.1159/000134740. 
  2. Kimura A, Harada H, Park JE, Nishi H, Satoh M, Takahashi M, Hiroi S, Sasaoka T, Ohbuchi N, Nakamura T, Koyanagi T, Hwang TH, Choo JA, Chung KS, Hasegawa A, Nagai R, Okazaki O, Nakamura H, Matsuzaki M, Sakamoto T, Toshima H, Koga Y, Imaizumi T, Sasazuki T (Aug 1997). "Mutations in the cardiac troponin I gene associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy". Nat Genet 16 (4): 379–82. PMID 9241277. doi:10.1038/ng0897-379. 
  3. Li, Qiang; Liu Yan; Shen Patrick Y; Dai Xiao-Qing; Wang Shaohua; Smillie Lawrence B; Sandford Richard; Chen Xing-Zhen (Jun 2003). "Troponin I binds polycystin-L and inhibits its calcium-induced channel activation". Biochemistry (United States) 42 (24): 7618–25. ISSN 0006-2960. PMID 12809519. doi:10.1021/bi034210a. 
  4. Ward, Douglas G; Brewer Susan M; Gallon Clare E; Gao Yuan; Levine Barry A; Trayer Ian P (May 2004). "NMR and mutagenesis studies on the phosphorylation region of human cardiac troponin I". Biochemistry (United States) 43 (19): 5772–81. ISSN 0006-2960. PMID 15134451. doi:10.1021/bi036310m. 
  5. Ward, Douglas G; Brewer Susan M; Calvert Melanie J; Gallon Clare E; Gao Yuan; Trayer Ian P (Apr 2004). "Characterization of the interaction between the N-terminal extension of human cardiac troponin I and troponin C". Biochemistry (United States) 43 (13): 4020–7. ISSN 0006-2960. PMID 15049709. doi:10.1021/bi036128l. 
  6. Ward, Douglas G; Brewer Susan M; Cornes Michael P; Trayer Ian P (Sep 2003). "A cross-linking study of the N-terminal extension of human cardiac troponin I". Biochemistry (United States) 42 (34): 10324–32. ISSN 0006-2960. PMID 12939162. doi:10.1021/bi034495r. 
  7. Wang, Xu; Li Monica X; Sykes Brian D (Aug 2002). "Structure of the regulatory N-domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with human cardiac troponin I147-163 and bepridil". J. Biol. Chem. (United States) 277 (34): 31124–33. ISSN 0021-9258. PMID 12060657. doi:10.1074/jbc.M203896200. 
  8. Li, Monica X; Saude Erik J; Wang Xu; Pearlstone Joyce R; Smillie Lawrence B; Sykes Brian D (Jul 2002). "Kinetic studies of calcium and cardiac troponin I peptide binding to human cardiac troponin C using NMR spectroscopy". Eur. Biophys. J. (Germany) 31 (4): 245–56. ISSN 0175-7571. PMID 12122471. doi:10.1007/s00249-002-0227-1. 
  9. Li, Qiang; Shen Patrick Y; Wu Guanqing; Chen Xing-Zhen (Jan 2003). "Polycystin-2 interacts with troponin I, an angiogenesis inhibitor". Biochemistry (United States) 42 (2): 450–7. ISSN 0006-2960. PMID 12525172. doi:10.1021/bi0267792. 

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