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Kainuku Ariki

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A dinastía dos Kainuku é unha das dúas liñas de ariki - xunto coa Pa Ariki - da (vaka) de Takitumu na illa de Rarotonga (Illas Cook).

Historia tradicional

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Segundo a tradición oral, os devanceiros dos Kainuku vivían na illa no tempo da chegada de Tangiia[1]. O centro da xefatura é o koutu Orotuma no tapere de Avana e a investigura ten lugar no marae de Vaerota. O titular actual do título, é desde 2006 Kainuku Kapiriterangi Ariki.

Kainuku Parapu Ariki (1ª fila, primeiro pola esquerda) co seu sobriño Kainuku Charles Tau Cowan (2ª fila, terceiro pola esquerda) no Consello Insular de Rarotonga (ca. 1923-1925)
  1. Land tenure in the Cooks Islands Ronald Gordon Crocombe
  2. "The Gospel was introduced in time of Kainuku Paora" (by Parakoti) - Avaavaroa Section 17 - Boundary dispute between Maoate and Kainuku, 5-1-1904. Cook Islands Land Court(Minute Book 1 p.116)
  3. "It was in heathen time that this road was fenced. It was after the Gospel came that you went to Kainuku and asked for the land. It was in the time of Kainuku Nia, son of Paora that you destroyed it (the fence)" (by Tamuera Te Rei) - Avavaroa Section 17 - Boundary dispute between Maoate and Kainuku, 5-1-1904. Cook Islands Land Court(Minute Book 1 p.110-111)
  4. "He (Kainuku Tamoko) became sick and died suddenly. His son Kainuku Nia succeeded him (...)After his death the Kainuku Ariki title came to his young brother, Toeta" ("Cannibals and converts" (p.97-98) by Maretu translated, annotated and edited by Marjorie Tuainekore Crocombe, Insitute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific. 1983.)
  5. "When Kainuku Toeta died, the Ariki title went to his daughter, Kainuku Tamaine (i.e. Pekarau). She was a kind person but the fault lay with Obura (Fils de Maretu et époux de Pa Upoko Takau Ariki) who behaved stupidly with her (probably implying adultery)" ("Cannibals and converts" (p.98) by Maretu translated, annotated and edited by Marjorie Tuainekore Crocombe, Insitute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific. 1983.)
  6. "When Charlie died, Kainuku Peka succeeded him" (by Parakoti) - Avavaroa Section 17 - Boundary dispute between Maoate and Kainuku, 5-1-1904. Cook Islands Land Court(Minute Book 1 p.108)
  7.[Ligazón morta]
  8. "Nation and Destination", Jeffrey Sissons, The University of the South Pacific Institute of Pacific Studies. 1999.p.69.
  9. "Photographie de Kainuku Mata également fondatrice du PIC Netball Club". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 25 de maio de 2010. Consultado o 18 de decembro de 2010. 


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  • Teaia Mataiapo "Genealogies and historical notes from Rarotonga". Part III. Journal of the Polynesian Society. Vol 2. 1893 p. 270-279
  • Maretu, "Cannibals and Converts" p. 97-98
  • Land Court Archives, Minute Book 1 p. 107 à 135..