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Conversa usuario:Atkbuku

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Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.

Ola! Bloqueouse esta conta porque non é correcto crear un segundo perfil para saltarse un bloqueo. Un saúdo! --Estevo(aei)fálame aquí 2 de abril de 2023 ás 08:45 (UTC)[responder]

why did you block me from wikipedia? Atkbuku (conversa) 2 de abril de 2023 ás 08:49 (UTC)[responder]
Because you have created this account to avoid the block to User:Ramirezc0205. --Estevo(aei)fálame aquí 2 de abril de 2023 ás 08:57 (UTC)[responder]
if there is an error in translation can't it be conveyed and discussed? I'm in the language learning stage. Atkbuku (conversa) 2 de abril de 2023 ás 08:58 (UTC)[responder]
ramirez is an old account. I'm on a school assignment for article translation. so i made a new one when ramirez got blocked. sorry if i made a mistake. Atkbuku (conversa) 2 de abril de 2023 ás 09:01 (UTC)[responder]
can you help me revise some articles in galego? Atkbuku (conversa) 2 de abril de 2023 ás 09:06 (UTC)[responder]
can you unblock my account? Atkbuku (conversa) 2 de abril de 2023 ás 09:13 (UTC)[responder]
If your Wikipedia editions are school assignment, your titor should open a page about the project, similar to Wikipedia:Proxectos pedagóxicos/Maxisterio Ourense, with the description of the assignments.
We can not fix all your mistakes. The problems of your translations are not only with the language (automatic translations shall be avoid), but also with the format of the articles. First you should know the format of Galician Wikipedia (categories, format, links...) and then start translating. Otherwise, this is a chaos. --Estevo(aei)fálame aquí 2 de abril de 2023 ás 09:32 (UTC)[responder]