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Wikipedia:Wikiproxecto Check Wikipedia/Translation

Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.
 new translation text under (updated daily) 
# metadata
 project=glwiki END
[[Categoría:Wikiproxectos:Wikipedia]] END  #for example: [[Category:Wikipedia]] 

# start text

  | logo          = Wiki puzzle.svg
  | Data de inicio= [[19 de febreiro]] de [[2015]]
  | obxectivo     = Limpar a sintaxe da Galipedia e atopar outros erros.

O wikiproxecto '''Check Wikipedia''' axudará a limpar a sintaxe de Wikipedia e a atopar outros erros.

'''Alphatest''' — Polo momento o ''script'' ten algúns fallos e non todos os erros indicados nesta páxina son realmente erros. Estamos traballando nunha versión estable e tentaremos conseguir chegar a un estado ''beta'' pronto.

# description

 description_text_glwiki=== Descrición do proxecto == 
* '''Cal é o obxectivo deste wikiproxecto?'''
** Este proxecto pretende axudar a limpar de erros de sintaxe wiki os artigos en moitas wikipedias.
** Se temos unha sintaxe limpa e clara en todos os artigos, máis proxectos (por exemplo Wikipedia-DVD) poden usar os datos con máis facilidade.
** O proxecto está inspirado por [[:en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Wiki Syntax]].
** Para usar os datos dunha Wikipedia sen usar o software [[MediaWiki]] necesítase escribir un [[analizador sintáctico]]. Se hai moitos artigos con erros, resulta moi difícil programalo xa que hai que contemplar múltiples tipos de erros.
** Este proxecto axuda a atopar eses erros en gran cantidade de idiomas, que se van ampliando co tempo.

* '''Como funciona?'''
** O script revisa cada [ dump] novo e crea unha lista de artigos con erros.
** O script revisa todos os artigos da lista novamente todos os días para crear unha nova lista para os usuarios que omita os artigos que xa foron corrixidos.
** O script escribiuno [[:de:User:Stefan Kühn|Stefan Kühn]] en [[Perl]].
** Podes descargar o script [ aquí]. A súa licenza é [[GFDL]].
** Máis información sobre o script: [[:de:User:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|Novas características, cambios recentes e conversa]]. 

* '''Que podes facer?'''
** O script crea unha nova páxina de erros no toolserver todos os días. Por favor, copia e pega esa [ páxina en toolserver] a esta páxina. Atención: a páxina é un documento [[UTF-8]]. Se o teu navegador non pode mostrar o ficheiro en UTF-8 podes copialo dentro dun editor de texto (por exemplo: [[Notepad++]]) e convertelo a UTF-8. 
** Podes corrixir todos os erros que queiras.
** Podes eliminar os artigos corrixidos desta lista.
** SE todos os artigos nunha categoría foron corrixidos, podes eliminar a categoría.
** Podes suxerir unha nova categoría de erros ó autor do script. 
** Tamén podes informar ó autor se queres que o proxecto sexa aplicado dentro da Wikipedia do teu idioma. 

* '''Por favor non...'''
** engadas un artigo a man, pois desaparecerá da lista ca próxima actualización automática.
** tentes corrixir erros de escritura dentro desta páxina xa que todos os cambios manuais desaparecerán tamén coa próxima actualización. No seu lugar, envía un correo electrónico ou unha mensaxe ó autor para que el poida corrixir o script. 

# priority

 top_priority_script=Top priority END
 top_priority_glwiki=Prioridade alta END
 middle_priority_script=Middle priority END
 middle_priority_glwiki=Prioridade media END
 lowest_priority_script=Lowest priority END
 lowest_priority_glwiki=Prioridade baixa END

 Please only translate the variables with …_glwiki at the end of the name. Not …_script= .
# error description
# prio = -1 (unknown)
# prio = 0  (deactivated) 
# prio = 1  (top priority)
# prio = 2  (middle priority)
# prio = 3  (lowest priority)

 error_001_prio_script=3 END
 error_001_head_script=Template contains useless word template: END
 error_001_desc_script=Article contains a template that includes the useless word "template". Example: {{Template:reflist}}<br>
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="">Auto-Formatter</a>
<li><a href="">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END
 error_001_prio_glwiki=3 END
 error_001_head_cawiki=O modelo contén a palabra innecesaria "modelo" END
 error_001_desc_glwiki=O artigo contén un modelo que inclúe a palabra "modelo", cousa que é innecesaria. Exemplo: {{Modelo:reflist}}<br>
As seguintes ferramentas poden amañar o problema:
<li><a href="">Auto-Formatter</a>
<li><a href="">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END


 error_002_prio_script=1 END
 error_002_head_script=Article with false <br/> END
 error_002_desc_script=This article contains a <br\> or <\br> or <br.> but a <br></br> or <br/> tag is necessary in order to be correct XHTML-syntax (see [ 1], [ 2]). END
 error_002_prio_glwiki=1 END
 error_002_head_glwiki=Artigos con <br> incorrecto END
 error_002_desc_glwiki=Este artigo contén un <br> ou </br> ou <br/> pero é necesario unha marca <br /> para manter unha correcta sintaxe XHTML. Ten que haber un espazo entre "br" e a barra. END


 error_003_prio_script=2 END
 error_003_head_script=Article with <ref> and no <references /> END
 error_003_desc_script=This article has a <ref> and not a <references />. This is not correct syntax. END
 error_003_prio_glwiki=2 END
 error_003_head_glwiki=Artigos con <ref>, pero sen <references /> END
 error_003_desc_glwiki= END
   reflist END


 error_004_prio_script=2 END
 error_004_head_script=Article with weblink END
 error_004_desc_script=This article has a weblink and not a headline (like "== Weblinks =="). All weblinks should be in the linklist or list of references. END
 error_004_prio_glwiki=3 END
 error_004_head_glwiki=Artigo con ligazón externa END
 error_004_desc_glwiki= END


 error_005_prio_script=1 END
 error_005_head_script=Comment not correct end END
 error_005_desc_script=Found a comment "<!--" with no "-->" end. END
 error_005_prio_glwiki=1 END
 error_005_head_glwiki=Comentario sen pechar correctamente con "-->"END
 error_005_desc_glwiki= END


 error_006_prio_script=2 END
 error_006_head_script=DEFAULTSORT with special letters END
 error_006_desc_script=Please don´t use special letters in the DEFAULTSORT (in ca: also in ORDENA).
* in de: ä → a, ö → o, ü → u, ß → ss 
* in fi: ü → y, é → e, ß → ss, etc.
* in sv and fi is allowed ÅÄÖåäö
* in cs is allowed čďěňřšťžČĎŇŘŠŤŽ
* in da, no, nn is allowed ÆØÅæøå
* in ro is allowed ăîâşţ
* in ru: Ё → Е, ё → е

 error_006_prio_glwiki=2 END
 error_006_head_glwiki=DEFAULTSORT/ORDENAR con caracteres especiais END
 error_006_desc_glwiki= END


 error_007_prio_script=1 END
 error_007_head_script=Headlines start with three "=" END
 error_007_desc_script=The first headline start with "=== XY ===". It should only be "== XY ==". See also error 083! END
 error_007_prio_glwiki=1 END
 error_007_head_glwiki=Cabeceiras: A primeira ven dada por "===" END
 error_007_desc_glwiki=A primeira cabeceira ven dada por "=== XY ===". O correcto é "== XY ==". END


 error_008_prio_script=1 END
 error_008_head_script=Headline should end with "=" END
 error_008_desc_script=A headline should end with an "=". END
 error_008_prio_glwiki=1 END
 error_008_head_glwiki=Cabeceiras: Non rematan con "=" END
 error_008_desc_glwiki=Unha cabeceira debería rematar con "=". END


 error_009_prio_script=3 END
 error_009_head_script=Categories more at one line END
 error_009_desc_script=There is more then one category at one line. Please write only one at one line. It is better to read. END
 error_009_prio_glwiki=3 END
 error_009_head_glwiki=Categorías: Máis dunha por liña END
 error_009_desc_glwiki= Hai máis dunha categoría nunha mesma liña. Por favor, escriba só unha categoría por liña xa que así é máis doado de leer. END


 error_010_prio_script=1 END
 error_010_head_script=Square brackets not correct end END
 error_010_desc_script=Different number of [[ and ]] brackets. If it is sourcecode then use <source> or <code>. END
 error_010_prio_glwiki=1 END
 error_010_head_glwiki=Corchetes sen pechar END
 error_010_desc_glwiki=Non hai o mesmo número de [[ e ]]. Utiliza <source>, <pre> ou <code> se é un código distinto ó da wiki. END


 error_011_prio_script=3 END
 error_011_head_script=HTML named entities END
 error_011_desc_script=Find <tt>&a<code></code>uml;</tt> or <tt>&o<code></code>uml;</tt> or <tt>&u<code></code>uml;</tt>, <tt>&sz<code></code>lig;</tt> or other. Please use [[Unicode]] characters (äüöÄÜÖßåÅ…).

<span style="color:#e80000;">The script was change for this error. Please fix the translation. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span>

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_011_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_011_head_eswiki=HTML: Caracteres con HTML END
 error_011_desc_eswiki= END


 error_012_prio_script=3 END
 error_012_head_script=HTML List elements END
 error_012_desc_script=Article contains a "<ol>", "<ul>" or "<li>". In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_012_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_012_head_eswiki=HTML: Listas con elementos HTML END
 error_012_desc_eswiki= END


 error_013_prio_script=1 END
 error_013_head_script=Math not correct end END
 error_013_desc_script=Found a "<math>" but no "</math>". END
 error_013_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_013_head_eswiki=<math> sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_013_desc_eswiki= END


 error_014_prio_script=1 END
 error_014_head_script=Source not correct end END
 error_014_desc_script=Found a "<source …>" but no "</source>". END
 error_014_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_014_head_eswiki=<source> sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_014_desc_eswiki= END


 error_015_prio_script=1 END
 error_015_head_script=Code not correct end END
 error_015_desc_script=Found a "<code>" but no "</code>". END
 error_015_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_015_head_eswiki=<code> sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_015_desc_eswiki= END


 error_016_prio_script=1 END
 error_016_head_script=Template with Unicode control characters END
 error_016_desc_script=Find Unicode control characters <tt>&#x<code></code>FEFF;</tt> or <tt>&#x<code></code>200E;</tt> or <tt>&#x<code></code>200B;</tt> ([[:en:Left-to-right_mark]], [[:en:Right-to-left mark]], [[:en:Byte-order mark]]). This could be a problem inside a template. Copy the template in a texteditor (for example [[Notepad++]]), where you see the controle characters and delete this. Copy then this text back in the article.

<span style="color:#e80000;">The script was change for this error. Please fix the translation. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span>

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_016_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_016_head_eswiki= END
 error_016_desc_eswiki= END


 error_017_prio_script=2 END
 error_017_head_script=Category double END
 error_017_desc_script=In this article is a category double. END
 error_017_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_017_head_eswiki=Categorías: Repetida END
 error_017_desc_eswiki= END


 error_018_prio_script=0 END
 error_018_head_script=Category first letter small END
 error_018_desc_script=The first letter of the category is small. It should be a big letter. If a user would scan a dump and he use the category then he will be very happy if all categories begin with a big letter. END
 error_018_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_018_head_eswiki=Categorías: Primera letra en minúscula END
 error_018_desc_eswiki= END


 error_019_prio_script=1 END
 error_019_head_script=Headlines start with one "=" END
 error_019_desc_script=The first headline start with "= XY =". It should only "== XY ==". END
 error_019_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_019_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: La primera viene dada por "=" END
 error_019_desc_eswiki=La primera cabecera viene dada por "= XY =". Lo correcto es "== XY ==". END


 error_020_prio_script=3 END
 error_020_head_script=Symbol for dead END
 error_020_desc_script=The article had a &dag<code></code>ger; and not †. END
 error_020_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_020_head_eswiki=HTML: Símbolo de la muerte END
 error_020_desc_eswiki= END


 error_021_prio_script=3 END
 error_021_head_script=Category is english END
 error_021_desc_script=The article had a category in english. It should renamed in "Categoría:ABC…". It is ok for the mediawiki software, but a new wikipedian maybe have a problem with the english language.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_021_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_021_head_eswiki=Categorías: En inglés END
 error_021_desc_eswiki= END


 error_022_prio_script=3 END
 error_022_head_script=Category with space END
 error_022_desc_script=The article had a category a space in front (for example: [[  Category:ABC]] or [[Category : ABC]] ). The mediawiki has no problem with this, but but if you write a external parser this it only one of your problem. Please fix it. END
 error_022_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_022_head_eswiki=Categorías: Con espacio END
 error_022_desc_eswiki= END


 error_023_prio_script=1 END
 error_023_head_script=Nowiki not correct end END
 error_023_desc_script=Found no nowiki end. END
 error_023_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_023_head_eswiki=<nowiki> sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_023_desc_eswiki= END


 error_024_prio_script=1 END
 error_024_head_script=Pre not correct end END
 error_024_desc_script=Found no pre end. END
 error_024_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_024_head_eswiki=<pre> sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_024_desc_eswiki= END


 error_025_prio_script=2 END
 error_025_head_script=Headline hierarchy END
 error_025_desc_script=After a headline of level 1 (==) should not be a headline of level 3 (====). (See also [ W3C Techniques for WCAG 2.0]) END
 error_025_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_025_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: Aparecen desordenadas END
 error_025_desc_eswiki= END


 error_026_prio_script=3 END
 error_026_head_script=HTML text style element <b> END
 error_026_desc_script=Article contains a <b>. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_026_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_026_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: <b> END
 error_026_desc_eswiki= END


 error_027_prio_script=3 END
 error_027_head_script=Unicode syntax END
 error_027_desc_script=Find <tt>&#<code></code>0000;</tt> (decimal) or <tt>&#x<code></code>0000;</tt> (hexadecimal). Please use the [[Unicode]] characters.

<span style="color:#e80000;">The script was change for this error. Please fix the translation. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span>

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_027_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_027_head_eswiki=Sintaxis unicode END
 error_027_desc_eswiki= END


 error_028_prio_script=1 END
 error_028_head_script=Table not correct end END
 error_028_desc_script=Found no end of the table. END
 error_028_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_028_head_eswiki=Tabla sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_028_desc_eswiki= END


 error_029_prio_script=1 END
 error_029_head_script=Gallery not correct end END
 error_029_desc_script=Found no end of the gallery. END
 error_029_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_029_head_eswiki=Galería sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_029_desc_eswiki= END


 error_030_prio_script=1 END
 error_030_head_script=Image without description END
 error_030_desc_script=The article has an image without a description. In order to provide good accessibility for everyone (e.g. blind people) a description for every image is needed. (See also [ W3C Techniques for WCAG 2.0])  END
 error_030_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_030_head_eswiki=Imagen sin descripción END
 error_030_desc_eswiki=El artículo tiene imágenes sin descripción. A fin de proporcionar buena accesibilidad para todos (por ejemplo, personas ciegas) sería necesario indicar dichas descripciones. END


 error_031_prio_script=2 END
 error_031_head_script=HTML table element END
 error_031_desc_script=Article contains a "<table>", "<td>", "<th>" or "<tr>". In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_031_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_031_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: Tablas END
 error_031_desc_eswiki=El artículo contiene etiquetas "<table>", "<td>", "<th>" o "<tr>". El software MediaWiki es muy flexible, pero no necesitamos estas etiquetas HTML. END


 error_032_prio_script=1 END
 error_032_head_script=Double pipe in one link END
 error_032_desc_script=Article contains a link like [[text|text2|text3]] END
 error_032_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_032_head_eswiki=Separador doble en un enlace END
 error_032_desc_eswiki=Artículos que contienen un enlace parecido a [[texto|texto2|texto3]] END


 error_033_prio_script=3 END
 error_033_head_script=HTML text style element <u> END
 error_033_desc_script=Article contains a <u>. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_033_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_033_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: Subrayados END
 error_033_desc_eswiki= END


 error_034_prio_script=1 END
 error_034_head_script=Template programming element END
 error_034_desc_script=Article contains a "#if:" or "#ifeq:" or "#ifexist:" or "#switch:" or "#tag:" or "{{NAMESPACE}}" or "{{SITENAME}}" or "{{PAGENAME}}" or "{{FULLPAGENAME}}" or "{{{1}}}" (Parameter).  END
 error_034_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_034_head_eswiki=Elemento programador de plantilla END
 error_034_desc_eswiki=Article contains a "#if:" or "#ifeq:" or "#switch:" or "#tag:" or "{{NAMESPACE}}" or "{{SITENAME}}" or "{{PAGENAME}}" or "{{FULLPAGENAME}}" or "{{{1}}}" (Parameter). END


 error_035_prio_script=1 END
 error_035_head_script=Gallery without description END
 error_035_desc_script=Article contains a gallery without image description.  END
 error_035_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_035_head_eswiki=Galería sin descripción END
 error_035_desc_eswiki=Article contains a gallery without image description. END


 error_036_prio_script=3 END
 error_036_head_script=Redirect not correct END
 error_036_desc_script=Article contains something like "#REDIRECT = [[Target page]]". The equal sign is not correct. Correct is "#REDIRECT [[Target page]]" or "#REDIRECT: [[Target page]]". END
 error_036_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_036_head_eswiki=Redirección incorrecta END
 error_036_desc_eswiki=Article contains something like "#REDIRECT = [[Target page]]". The equal sign is not correct. Correct is "#REDIRECT [[Target page]]" or "#REDIRECT: [[Target page]]". END


 error_037_prio_script=3 END
 error_037_head_script=Title with special letters and no DEFAULTSORT END
 error_037_desc_script=The title has a special letter and in the article is no DEFAULTSORT (or in ca: ORDENA, es:ORDENAR, de:SORTIERUNG). Also one category has not the syntax [[Category:ABC|Text]]

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_037_prio_eswiki=0 END
 error_037_head_eswiki=Titulo con caracteres especiales y sin ORDENAR END
 error_037_desc_eswiki=The title has a special letter and in the article is no DEFAULTSORT (or in ca: ORDENA). Also one category has not the syntax [[Category:ABC|Text]]. END


 error_038_prio_script=3 END
 error_038_head_script=HTML text style element <i> END
 error_038_desc_script=Article contains a <i>. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_038_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_038_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: <i> END
 error_038_desc_eswiki=Article contains a <i>. The Mediawiki software is very flexible but we don't need these HTML tags. END


 error_039_prio_script=3 END
 error_039_head_script=HTML text style element <p> END
 error_039_desc_script=Article contains a <p>. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_039_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_039_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: <p> END
 error_039_desc_eswiki=Article contains a <p>. The Mediawiki software is very flexible but we don't need these HTML tags. END


 error_040_prio_script=3 END
 error_040_head_script=HTML text style element <font> END
 error_040_desc_script=Article contains a <font>. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_040_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_040_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: <font> END
 error_040_desc_eswiki=Article contains a <font>. The Mediawiki software is very flexible but we don't need these HTML tags. END


 error_041_prio_script=3 END
 error_041_head_script=HTML text style element <big> END
 error_041_desc_script=Article contains a <big>. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_041_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_041_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: <big> END
 error_041_desc_eswiki=Article contains a <big>. The Mediawiki software is very flexible but we don't need these HTML tags. END


 error_042_prio_script=3 END
 error_042_head_script=HTML text style element <small> END
 error_042_desc_script=Article contains a <small. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END
 error_042_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_042_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML: <small> END
 error_042_desc_eswiki=Article contains a <small>. The Mediawiki software is very flexible but we don't need these HTML tags. END


 error_043_prio_script=1 END
 error_043_head_script=Template not correct end END
 error_043_desc_script=Found a template with "{{" and with no "}}".

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_043_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_043_head_eswiki=Plantilla sin cerrar correctamente END
 error_043_desc_eswiki= END


 error_044_prio_script=3 END
 error_044_head_script=Headlines with bold END
 error_044_desc_script=The headline is bold "== '''XY''' ==". It should only be "== XY ==".

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_044_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_044_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: Con negritas END
 error_044_desc_eswiki= END


 error_045_prio_script=1 END
 error_045_head_script=Interwiki double END
 error_045_desc_script=Article contains double interwiki link to one other languages.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_045_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_045_head_eswiki=Dos interwikis hacia el mismo sitio END
 error_045_desc_eswiki= END


 error_046_prio_script=1 END
 error_046_head_script=Square brackets not correct begin END
 error_046_desc_script=Different number of [[ and ]] brackets. If it is sourcecode then use <source> or <code>.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_046_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_046_head_eswiki=Número de corchetes incorrecto END
 error_046_desc_eswiki= END


 error_047_prio_script=1 END
 error_047_head_script=Template not correct begin END
 error_047_desc_script=Found a template with no "{{" but with "}}".

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_047_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_047_head_eswiki=Número de llaves incorrecto END
 error_047_desc_eswiki= END


 error_048_prio_script=3 END
 error_048_head_script=Title in text END
 error_048_desc_script=Found a link to the title inside the text. Change this [[Title]] into '''Title'''

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_048_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_048_head_eswiki=Enlace a la propia página END
 error_048_desc_eswiki= END


 error_049_prio_script=3 END
 error_049_head_script=Headline with HTML END
 error_049_desc_script=Found a headline in format <h2>Headline</h2> in the text. Please use wikisyntax == Headline ==. If it is sourcecode then use <source> or <code>.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_049_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_049_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: Con HTML (<h2>) END
 error_049_desc_eswiki= END


 error_050_prio_script=3 END
 error_050_head_script=en dash or em dash END
 error_050_desc_script=The article had a dash. Write for  <tt>&nda<code></code>sh;</tt> better "–" or <tt>&mda<code></code>sh;</tt> better "—". 

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_050_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_050_head_eswiki=HTML: Guiones END
 error_050_desc_eswiki= END


 error_051_prio_script=3 END
 error_051_head_script=Interwiki before last headline END
 error_051_desc_script=The article had in the text a interwiki before the last headline. Interwikis should written at the end of the article.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_051_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_051_head_eswiki=Orden: Interwikis antes del último encabezado END
 error_051_desc_eswiki= END


 error_052_prio_script=3 END
 error_052_head_script=Category before last headline END
 error_052_desc_script=The article had in the text a category before the last headline. Category should written at the end of the article before the interwikis.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_052_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_052_head_eswiki=Orden: Categorías antes del último encabezado END
 error_052_desc_eswiki= END


 error_053_prio_script=3 END
 error_053_head_script=Interwiki before last category END
 error_053_desc_script=The article had in the text a interwiki before the last category. Interwikis should written at the end of the article after the categories.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_053_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_053_head_eswiki=Orden: Interwikis antes que las categorías END
 error_053_desc_eswiki= END


 error_054_prio_script=3 END
 error_054_head_script=Break in list END
 error_054_desc_script=The article had a list, where one line had a break (<br />) at the and of the line. This break can be deleted.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_054_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_054_head_eswiki=HTML: Salto de línea en una lista END
 error_054_desc_eswiki= END


 error_055_prio_script=3 END
 error_055_head_script=HTML text style element <small> double END
 error_055_desc_script=Article contains the tag <small>.  In the most case we don't need this double tag.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_055_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_055_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML <small> usada dos veces END
 error_055_desc_eswiki= END


 error_056_prio_script=3 END
 error_056_head_script=Arrow as ASCII art END
 error_056_desc_script=The article had an arrow like "<--" or "-->" or "<==" or "==>". Write better this arrow with the Unicode "←" or "→" or "⇐" or "⇒". See [[:en:Arrow (symbol)]]. If it is sourcecode then use <source> or <code>. Also you can use <math> for mathematical formula.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_056_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_056_head_eswiki=Flechas como "ASCII art" END
 error_056_desc_eswiki= END


 error_057_prio_script=3 END
 error_057_head_script=Headlines end with colon END
 error_057_desc_script=One headline in this article end with a colon "== Headline : ==". This colon can be deleted.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_057_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_057_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: Terminan con punto END
 error_057_desc_eswiki= END


 error_058_prio_script=3 END
 error_058_head_script=Headlines with capitalization END
 error_058_desc_script=One headline in this article has only capitalization "== HEADLINE IS BIG ==". Also this headline has more then 10 letters, so a normal abbreviation like "== UNO ==" is not a problem.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_058_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_058_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: En mayúsculas END
 error_058_desc_eswiki= END


 error_059_prio_script=3 END
 error_059_head_script=Template value end with break END
 error_059_desc_script=At the end of a value in a template is a break. (For example: {{Template|name=Mr. King<br/>}}) This break should inside the template not in the value and you can delete this break. 

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_059_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_059_head_eswiki=Salto de línea al final de una plantilla END
 error_059_desc_eswiki= END


 error_060_prio_script=1 END
 error_060_head_script=Template parameter with problem END
 error_060_desc_script=In the parameter of a template the script found an unusual letter ([|]:*) For example: {{Template| parameter_1=100 | [[parameter]]_2=200 }}).

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_060_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_060_head_eswiki=Plantilla con un parámetro inesperado END
 error_060_desc_eswiki= END


 error_061_prio_script=3 END
 error_061_head_script=Reference with punctuation END
 error_061_desc_script=The script found a punctuation after the reference. For example: "</ref>." - The punctation should stand before the references.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_061_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_061_head_eswiki=Referencia y punto END
 error_061_desc_eswiki= END


 error_062_prio_script=2 END
 error_062_head_script=Headline alone END
 error_062_desc_script=There are more then 5 headlines and one headline of level 3 (===) or deeper is alone. The script don't found an other headline of this level in this subsection. If you have only one subpoint, integrate it with the point above or reorganize.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_062_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_062_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: Una sola END
 error_062_desc_eswiki= END


 error_063_prio_script=2 END
 error_063_head_script=HTML text style element <small> in ref, sub or sup END
 error_063_desc_script=Article contains the tag <small> in a <ref> or <sub> or <sub> tag.  Inside inside this tags we don't need a small text because the tag output is smaller then the standard.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_063_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_063_head_eswiki=Etiqueta HTML <small> dentro de ref, sup o sub END
 error_063_desc_eswiki= END


 error_064_prio_script=2 END
 error_064_head_script=Link equal to linktext END
 error_064_desc_script=The script found a structur like [[Link|Link]] in this article.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_064_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_064_head_eswiki=Enlace igual que el texto END
 error_064_desc_eswiki= END


 error_065_prio_script=3 END
 error_065_head_script=Image description with break END
 error_065_desc_script=The script found in this article at the end of an image description the tag <br />. You can delete this manual break.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_065_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_065_head_eswiki=Salto de línea al final de una imagen END
 error_065_desc_eswiki= END


 error_066_prio_script=3 END
 error_066_head_script=Image description with full <small>. END
 error_066_desc_script=The script found in the description of an image the <small>. The description is already set to 94% in the stylesheet. This tag can be deleted.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_066_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_066_head_eswiki=Descripción de una imagen completamente <small> END
 error_066_desc_eswiki= END


 error_067_prio_script=0 END
 error_067_head_script=Reference after punctuation END
 error_067_desc_script=The script found the reference after a punctuation. For example: ".<ref>" - The punctation should stand after the references.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_067_prio_eswiki=0 END
 error_067_head_eswiki=Punto y referencia END
 error_067_desc_eswiki= END


 error_068_prio_script=2 END
 error_068_head_script=Link to other language END
 error_068_desc_script=The script found a link to another language, for example [[:is:Link]] in this article (not an interwiki-link). In many languages is a direct link inside the article not allowed (for example in plwiki).

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_068_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_068_head_eswiki=Enlace a otro proyecto wiki en otro idioma END
 error_068_desc_eswiki= END


 error_069_prio_script=1 END
 error_069_head_script=ISBN wrong syntax END
 error_069_desc_script=The script check the ISBN and found a problem with the syntax. A normal ISBN look like ISBN 3-8001-6191-5 or ISBN 0-911266-16-X or ISBN 978-0911266160. Allowed are numbers, space, "-" and "X"/"x". Without space and "-" only 10 or 13 characters. Please don't write ISBN-10: or ISBN-13.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_069_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_069_head_eswiki=ISBN: Sintaxis incorrecta END
 error_069_desc_eswiki= END


 error_070_prio_script=1 END
 error_070_head_script=ISBN wrong length END
 error_070_desc_script=The script check the ISBN and found with not 10 or 13 characters. ISBN should have 10 or 13 characters.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_070_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_070_head_eswiki=ISBN: Longitud incorrecta END
 error_070_desc_eswiki= END


 error_071_prio_script=1 END
 error_071_head_script=ISBN wrong position of X END
 error_071_desc_script=The script check the ISBN and found a ISBN where the character "X" are not at position 10. The character X is only at position 10 allowed. It is for the checksum of 10.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_071_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_071_head_eswiki=ISBN: Posición incorrecta de X END
 error_071_desc_eswiki= END


 error_072_prio_script=1 END
 error_072_head_script=ISBN wrong checksum in ISBN-10 END
 error_072_desc_script=The script check the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in this ISBN-10.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_072_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_072_head_eswiki=ISBN: Verificación incorrecta en ISBN-10 END
 error_072_desc_eswiki= END


 error_073_prio_script=1 END
 error_073_head_script=ISBN wrong checksum in ISBN-13 END
 error_073_desc_script=The script check the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in this ISBN-13.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_073_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_073_head_eswiki=ISBN: Verificación incorrecta en ISBN-13 END
 error_073_desc_eswiki= END


 error_074_prio_script=1 END
 error_074_head_script=Link with no target END
 error_074_desc_script=The script found a link with no target, for example [[|linktext]].

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_074_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_074_head_eswiki=Enlace sin destino END
 error_074_desc_eswiki= END


 error_075_prio_script=3 END
 error_075_head_script=Indented list END
 error_075_desc_script=The article had a list, where one line is indent (:* text). A list don't need an intend with ":". Use more "*" to indent the list. 

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_075_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_075_head_eswiki=Lista con sangría END
 error_075_desc_eswiki= END


 error_076_prio_script=3 END
 error_076_head_script=Link with no space END
 error_076_desc_script=The script found a link with "%20" for space [[Link%20Link|Linktext]]. Please replace this %20 with a space.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_076_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_076_head_eswiki=Enlace con espacio incorrecto END
 error_076_desc_eswiki= END


 error_077_prio_script=3 END
 error_077_head_script=Image description with partial <small> END
 error_077_desc_script=The script found in the description of an image the <small>. The description is already set to 94% in the stylesheet. This tag can be deleted.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_077_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_077_head_eswiki=Descripción de imagen con <small> parcial END
 error_077_desc_eswiki= END


 error_078_prio_script=3 END
 error_078_head_script=Reference double END
 error_078_desc_script=The script found in the article two <references ...>. One can be deleted.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_078_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_078_head_eswiki=<references /> dos veces END
 error_078_desc_eswiki= END


 error_079_prio_script=2 END
 error_079_head_script=External link without description END
 error_079_desc_script=The script found in the article an external link without description (for example: []). Please insert a description to this link like [ Wikipedia].

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_079_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_079_head_eswiki=Enlace externo sin descripción END
 error_079_desc_eswiki= END


 error_080_prio_script=2 END
 error_080_head_script=External link with line break END
 error_080_desc_script=The script found in the article an external link with a line break in the description. This is a problem for the mediawiki parser. Please delete the line break.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_080_prio_eswiki=2 END
 error_080_head_eswiki=Salto de línea en un enlace externo END
 error_080_desc_eswiki= END


 error_081_prio_script=1 END
 error_081_head_script=Reference tag in article double END
 error_081_desc_script=The script found in the article a double ref-tag. Please use the format <ref name="foo">Book ABC</ref> and the following times <ref name="foo" />

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_081_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_081_head_eswiki=Varias referencias iguales END
 error_081_desc_eswiki= END


 error_082_prio_script=2 END
 error_082_head_script=Link to other wikiproject END
 error_082_desc_script=The script found a link to another wikimedia foundation project, for example [[:wikt:Link]] in this article (not an interwiki-link) (See [[:en:Wikipedia:InterWikimedia links]]. In many languages is a direct link inside the article not allowed.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_082_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_082_head_eswiki=Enlace a otro proyecto wiki END
 error_082_desc_eswiki= END


 error_083_prio_script=1 END
 error_083_head_script=Headlines start with three "=" and later with level two END
 error_083_desc_script=The first headline start with "=== XY ===". It should only be "== XY ==". Later in the text the script found a level 2 headline ("=="). See also error 007! END
 error_083_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_083_head_eswiki=Cabeceras: Empiezan con tres "=" y siguen después con dos "=" END
 error_083_desc_eswiki= END


 error_084_prio_script=1 END
 error_084_head_script=Section without content END
 error_084_desc_script=There is a section between two headlines without content.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_084_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_084_head_eswiki=Sección sin contenido END
 error_084_desc_eswiki=Hay una sección entre dos cabeceras sin contenido. END


 error_085_prio_script=3 END
 error_085_head_script=Tag without content END
 error_085_desc_script=The script found a tag without content or a line break like <noinclude></noinclude>. This tag can be deleted.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_085_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_085_head_eswiki=HTML: Etiqueta sin contenido END
 error_085_desc_eswiki= END


 error_086_prio_script=2 END
 error_086_head_script=Link with two brackets to external source END
 error_086_desc_script=The script found a link with two brackets to external source like [[ Wikipedia]]. External links only need one bracket like [ Wikipedia].

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_086_prio_eswiki=1 END
 error_086_head_eswiki=Enlace externo con mala sintaxis END
 error_086_desc_eswiki= END


 error_087_prio_script=-1 END
 error_087_head_script=HTML named entities without semicolon END
 error_087_desc_script=Find named entities (like &uml;) in the text without the semicolon.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_087_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_087_head_eswiki= END
 error_087_desc_eswiki= END


 error_088_prio_script=3 END
 error_088_head_script=DEFAULTSORT with blank at first position END
 error_088_desc_script=The script found a DEFAULTSORT with a blank at first position like {{DEFAULTSORT: Doe, John}}.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_088_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_088_head_eswiki= END
 error_088_desc_eswiki= END


 error_089_prio_script=3 END
 error_089_head_script=DEFAULTSORT with capitalization in the middle of the word END
 error_089_desc_script=The script found a DEFAULTSORT with capitalization in the middle of the word like  {{DEFAULTSORT:DuBois, Lewis}} or {{DEFAULTSORT:SSX}}. The Mediawiki-software allowed not a capitalization in the word. Write "Dubois, Lewis" or "Ssx" for correct sorting in the category

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_089_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_089_head_eswiki= END
 error_089_desc_eswiki= END


 error_090_prio_script=3 END
 error_090_head_script=DEFAULTSORT with lowercase letters END
 error_090_desc_script=The script found a DEFAULTSORT with lowercase letters like  {{DEFAULTSORT:Role-playing game}} or {{DEFAULTSORT:2004 in Film}}. The Mediawiki-software need for every word a capitalization of the first letter. Write "Role-Playing Game" or "2004 In Film" for correct sorting in the category

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_090_prio_eswiki=3 END
 error_090_head_eswiki= END
 error_090_desc_eswiki= END


 error_091_prio_script=-1 END
 error_091_head_script=DEFAULTSORT is missing and title with lowercase_letters END
 error_091_desc_script=The script found no DEFAULTSORT and the title of the article has lowercase letters at the beginning of a word like "Role-playing game" or "2004 in Film". This article make problem with sorting in categories. Write a {{DEFAULTSORT:Role-Playing Game}} or {{DEFAULTSORT:2004 In Film}}.

<span style="color:#e80000;">This is a new error. If you find a bug then please tell this [[:de:Benutzer Diskussion:Stefan Kühn/Check Wikipedia|here]].</span> END
 error_091_prio_eswiki=0 END
 error_091_head_eswiki= END
 error_091_desc_eswiki= END
