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Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.
(Redirección desde «Conversa usuario:Polandball»)

For translation

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  • Interactions between countryballs tend to be written in broken English and internet slang, reminiscent of the Lolcat meme, and by the end of the cartoon Poland, which is purposely represented as red on top of white (the reverse of the Polish flag), is typically seen weeping.
  • In this humorous way, Russians put a halt to all discussion with Poles on which country is superior. In another Polandball comic which delves into historic-political satire, Poland is seen to be boring other countryballs, with its proclamation of "So when we crushed Russia and the turks [sic] were were the biggest country in the world... and..", leading other countryballs to laugh at it. Poland, by now irritated, utters kurwa, and holds up a sign saying "Internet serious business", which is an internet slogan used to deride others who treat subjects with disdain, and in Polandball convention, finishes by crying.[1]

—o anterior comentario sen asinar foi feito por Russavia (conversacontribucións)


  1. "Polandball cartoon". Unknown. Unknown. Consultado o 26 March 2012. 

Ligazóns externas modificadas (agosto 2018)

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