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Modelo:Graph:Street map with marks

Na Galipedia, a Wikipedia en galego.
Indicacións de uso do modelo

Obxectivo: Mostra unha imaxe dun mapa (tirada de OpenMaps), con imaxes ou iconas enriba dela, especificadas polo usuario, utilizando coordenadas de latitude e lonxitude, ou tirando datos de Wikidata.

Parámetros do modelo[Editar os datos do modelo]


Comma separated list of JSON objects that describing what data to draw on the map

Cadea de caracteresrecomendado

Total width of the graph


Total height of the graph

Por defecto
Half of the width

sen descrición


Latitude do centro do mapa


Lonxitude do centro do mapa


Nivel de zoom do mapa (0..18)


An optional Wikidata query to use instead of the data - the query would generate a list of items just like data, but it must contain a "coord" field with the location

Cadea de caracteresopcional

If given, this data field will be used to make dots of different color, one color per unique value of this field

Cadea de caracteresopcional

If set, 0 or false will always hide the map, and 1 or true will always show it. Make sure the map is big enough include the minimap. By default, the map will be shown for zoom levels 5+ if the map is sufficiently large

Lóxico (booleano)opcional


[editar a fonte]
Código Resultado
Mapa simple con marca simple, tamaño a medida, e sen minimapa
{{Graph:Street map with marks | width=800 | height=600 | lat=42.8806 | lon=-8.5443 | zoom=18 | minimap=false |

  { "lat": 42.8806, "lon": -8.5443 }

Mostrar volcáns, tirando os datos de Wikidata
O resultado da consulta debe ter as mesmas columnas (campos) como nos outros exemplos (texto, imaxe, ...)
{{Graph:Street map with marks | width=800 | height=400 | lat=42 | lon=-8 | zoom=1 | colorScaleField=type | wdqs=
SELECT (SAMPLE(?coord) as ?coord) (SAMPLE(?type) as ?type)
  ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8072 .
GROUP BY ?item

See Wikidata query.

{{Graph:Street map with marks | lat=42.3363 | lon=-7.8636 | zoom=7 |
  "lat": 42.3363,
  "lon": -7.8636,
  "img": "wikirawupload:{{filepath:Ourense, Catedral, torre.JPG|48}}",
  "width": 30,
  "height": 45,
  "text": "Catedral de Ourense",
  "textFontWeight": "bold",
  "textFontSize": 10,
  "textColor": "#00f",
  "textAlign": "right",
  "textDx": 125

Véxase tamén

Ligazóns externas
Este recadro non aparecerá no artigo.
Esta documentación está transcluída desde Modelo:Graph:Street map with marks/uso. Os editores poden probar cambios no mesmo en Modelo:Graph:Street map with marks/probas.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste modelo.
  // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at
  //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
  //            Suggestions can be made at
  // Template translation is in
  "version": 2, "width":400, "height": 300, "padding": 0,
    // These signals allow us to quickly move the map within the image, e.g. to leave space for the legend
{"name":"legendWidth", "init": {"expr": "0"} },
    {"name":"legendHeight", "init": {"expr": "height"} },
    {"name":"imgWidth", "init": {"expr": "width-legendWidth"} },
    {"name":"imgHeight", "init": {"expr": "height"} },
    {"name":"imgXC", "init": {"expr": "imgWidth/2"} },
    {"name":"imgYC", "init": {"expr": "imgHeight/2"} },
    {"name":"imgTileSize", "init": {"expr": "256"} },
    {"name":"imgLat", "init": {"expr": "40.347"} },
    {"name":"imgLon", "init": {"expr": "47.260"} },
    {"name":"imgZoom", "init": {"expr": "6"} },
    {"name":"picWidth", "init": {"expr": "180"} },
    {"name":"picHeight", "init": {"expr": "picWidth/2"} },
    {"name":"picXC", "init": {"expr": "imgWidth-(picWidth/2)"} },
    {"name":"picYC", "init": {"expr": "imgHeight-(picHeight/2)"} },
    {"name":"showMiniMap", "init": {"expr": "imgZoom>4 && imgWidth>200 && imgHeight>110"} },
  "data": [
      "name": "data",
// Otherwise use the first unnamed argument for source values
      "values": [ 
        {"lat":65.6, "lon":-168.1, "color":"#f00", "size": 10},
        {"lat":90, "lon":-180, "shape":"cross", "color":"#f00", "size": 500},
        {"lat":-90, "lon":180, "shape":"cross", "color":"#f00", "size": 500},
        {"lat":0, "lon":-180, "shape":"cross", "color":"#f00", "size": 500},
        {"lat":0, "lon":180, "shape":"cross", "color":"#f00", "size": 500},
        {"lat":20, "lon":-120, "color":"#0f0"},
        {"lat":40, "lon":-120, "shape":"diamond", "color":"#0f0", "size": 80, "text": "Some cool text", "textColor": "#0ff", "textFontSize": 20, "textBaseline": "middle"},
        {"lat":-10, "lon":20, "img":"Volcano red 32x32.svg", "offsetY":-10},
        {"lat":0, "lon":0, "img":"Volcano red 32x32.svg", "width":25, "height": 25, "offsetY":-10, "text": "Big volcano", "textFontWeight": "bold", "textFontSize": 20, "textColor": "#fff"},
        {"lat":37.774755, "lon":-122.454688, "color":"#f00", "size": 10},
      "transform": [

          "type": "geo",
          "projection": "mercator",
          "scale": {"expr": "imgTileSize/PI/2*pow(2,imgZoom)"},
          "translate": [{"expr": "imgXC"}, {"expr": "imgYC"}],
          "center": [{"expr": "imgLon"}, {"expr": "imgLat"}],
          "lon": "lon", "lat": "lat"
        { "type": "formula", "field":"layout_x", "expr": "datum.layout_x + (datum.offsetX || 0)" },
        { "type": "formula", "field":"layout_y", "expr": "datum.layout_y + (datum.offsetY || 0)" },
        { "type": "formula", "field":"color", "expr": "datum.color || '#c33'" },
        { "type": "formula", "field":"textColor", "expr": "datum.textColor || datum.color" },
        { "type": "formula", "field":"strokeColor", "expr": "datum.strokeColor || '#ffe7e6'" }
      // Hack: single value data source for drawing/hiding images and other non-series elements
      "name": "dummyData",
      "values": [{}]

// Legend only works if showLegend and colorScaleField are set

  "marks": [
      "type": "image",
      "from": {
        "data": "dummyData",
        "transform": [
          { "type": "formula", "field":"url", "expr": "'mapsnapshot:///?width='+imgWidth+'&height='+imgHeight+'&zoom='+imgZoom+'&lat='+imgLat+'&lon='+imgLon" }
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "url": {"field": "url"},
          "xc": {"signal": "imgXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "imgYC"},
          "width": {"signal": "imgWidth"}, "height": {"signal": "imgHeight"}
      // Places an image of a given name and size at the [lan,lon] location
      "type": "image",
      "from": {
        "data": "data",
        "transform": [
          { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.img" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"iconWidth", "expr": "datum.width || 0" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"iconHeight", "expr": "datum.height || 0" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"img",
            "expr": "if(!test(/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//, datum.img), 'wikifile:///'+datum.img, datum.img)" },
          // Ensure that either width or height parameter is passed to wikifile:// request
          { "type": "formula", "field":"img",
            "expr": "if((datum.iconWidth || datum.iconHeight) && !test(/[?&](width|height)=\\d/, datum.img),if(datum.iconWidth,datum.img+'?width='+datum.iconWidth,datum.img+'?height='+datum.iconHeight), datum.img)" },
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "url": {"field": "img"},
          "xc": {"field": "layout_x"}, "yc": {"field": "layout_y"},
          "width": {"field": "iconWidth"}, "height": {"field": "iconHeight"}
      // Draw marks of a given color, shape, and size at the [lan,lon] location
      "type": "symbol",
      "from": {
        "data": "data",
        "transform": [{ "type": "filter", "test": "!datum.img" }]
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "x": {"field": "layout_x"},
          "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
          // If colorScaleField is set, use color scaling, otherwise use the preset color value
          "fill": { "field": "color" },
          "size": {"field": "size"},
          "shape": {"field": "shape"},
          "stroke": {"field": "strokeColor"}
      // Draw text with the given color and size at the [lan,lon] location
      // See for all parameter description (prepend "text" and capitalize them)
      "type": "text",
      "from": {
        "data": "data",
        "transform": [
          { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.text" },
          // Figure out if this is an LTR or RTL page. For LTR, show label to the right of the icon, left-aligned. For RTL, reverse.
          { "type": "formula", "field":"isLTR", "expr": "'‎' == '\\u200E'" },
          // If these values are not defined ("undefined" is not allowed, so test for truthiness and not 0)
          { "type": "formula", "field":"textDx", "expr": "if(!datum.textDx && datum.textDx != 0, if(datum.isLTR,8,-8), datum.textDx)" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"textAlign", "expr": "if(!datum.textAlign, if(datum.isLTR,'left','right'), datum.textAlign)" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"textBaseline", "expr": "datum.textBaseline || 'middle'" }
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "text": {"field": "text"},
          "x": {"field": "layout_x" },
          "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
          "dx": {"field": "textDx" },
          "dy": {"field": "textDy"},
          "fill": {"field": "textColor"},
          "align": {"field": "textAlign"},
          "baseline": {"field": "textBaseline"},
          "radius": {"field": "textRadius"},
          "theta": {"field": "textTheta"},
          "angle": {"field": "textAngle"},
          "font": {"field": "textFont"},
          "fontSize": {"field": "textFontSize"},
          "fontWeight": {"field": "textFontWeight"},
          "fontStyle": {"field": "textFontStyle"}
      // Draw a low-zoom locator map frame
      "type": "rect",
      "from": {
        "data": "dummyData",
        "transform": [
          { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" }
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "xc": {"signal": "picXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "picYC"},
          "width": {"signal": "picWidth", "offset":2}, "height": {"signal": "picHeight"},
          "stroke": {"value":"#fff"},"strokeWidth": {"value":6},
      // Draw a low-zoom locator map by using a premade world map image
      "type": "image",
      "from": {
        "data": "dummyData",
        "transform": [
          { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"url", "expr": "1" }
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "url": {"value": "wikirawupload://"},
          "xc": {"signal": "picXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "picYC"},
          "width": {"signal": "picWidth"}, "height": {"signal": "picHeight"}
      // Draw a zoom-out mark at the [lan,lon] location
      "type": "symbol",
      "from": {
        "data": "dummyData",
        "transform": [
          { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"lat", "expr": "imgLat" },
          { "type": "formula", "field":"lon", "expr": "imgLon" },
            "type": "geo",
            "projection": "equirectangular",
            "scale": {"expr": "180/2/PI"},
            "translate": [{"expr": "picXC"}, {"expr": "picYC"}],
            "center": [{"expr": "0"}, {"expr": "0"}],
            "lon": "lon", "lat": "lat"
      "properties": {
        "enter": {
          "x": {"field": "layout_x"}, "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
          "fill": {"value": "#c33"},
          "stroke": {"value": "#ffe7e6"},
          "size": {"value": 40}