Michif | ||
Falado en: | Canadá e os Estados Unidos de América | |
Total de falantes: | 1.800 (censo de 2021) | |
Familia: | Linguas crioulas Crioulo de base cree e francés Michif | |
Escrita: | Alfabeto latino | |
Códigos de lingua | ||
ISO 639-1: | --
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ISO 639-2: | --- | |
ISO 639-3: | crg
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Mapa | ||
Status | ||
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O michif (tamén escrito mitchif, mechif, michif-cree, métif, métchif ou cree francés) é un das linguas do pobo métis do Canadá e os Estados Unidos, os cales son descendentes das Primeiras Nacións (principalmente cree, nakota, e ojibwa) e comerciantes europeos de peles (principalmente franceses). O michif xurdiu a comezos do século XIX como unha lingua mixta[2] e adoptou unha forma consistente entre 1820 e 1840.

O michif combina cree e o francés dos métis (Rhodes 1977, Bakker 1997:85), unha variedade do francés canadense con algúns préstamos do inglés e varias linguas indíxenas de América, como o ojibwa e o assiniboine. En xeral, a fonoloxía, o léxico, a morfoloxía e a sintaxe dos substantivos derivan do francés métis, mentres que os verbos derivan do cree das chairas (un dialecto occidental do cree). Os artigos e adxectivos tamén son de orixe francesa métis mais os demostrativos son cree das chairas.
[editar | editar a fonte]- ↑ Moseley, Christopher e Nicolas, Alexandre. "Atlas of the world's languages in danger". unesdoc.unesco.org. Consultado o 11 de xullo de 2022.
- ↑ L. Lee Scott (2007-07-02). "The Turtle Mountain Michif: A People and Their Language". Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 2014-07-29. Consultado o 2013-03-24.
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Vexa a proba da Wikipedia en Michif |
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A Galipedia ten un portal sobre: Pobos indíxenas de América |
[editar | editar a fonte]- Barkwell, Lawrence J., Leah Dorion e Audreen Hourie. Métis legacy Michif culture, heritage, and folkways. Métis legacy series, v. 2. Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 2006. ISBN 0-920915-80-9
- Barkwell, L.J., (Editor). 2004. La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin, The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis, Volume One, Language Practice Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications. ISBN 1894717228
- Barkwell, L.J., (Editor). 2004. La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin, The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis, Volume Two, Language Theory. Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications. ISBN 1894717287
- Barkwell, Lawrence J., Leah Dorion e Darren Prefontaine. "Metis Legacy: A Historiography and Annotated Bibliography". Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications Inc. and Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 2001. ISBN 1-894717-03-1
- Bakker, Peter: Spelling systems for Michif: an overview. In: La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin. The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis. Vol 2: Language Theory. Barkwell, Lawrence (Ed.). Pemmican Publications/Manitoba Métis Federation Michif Language Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá: pp. 11‑28, 2004. ISBN 1-894717-28-7
- Bakker, Peter: The Michif language of the Métis. In: La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin. The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis. Vol 2: Language Theory. Barkwell, Lawrence (Ed.). Pemmican Publications/Manitoba Métis Federation Michif Language Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá: pp. 5‑9, 2004. ISBN 1-894717-28-7
- Bakker, Peter: The verb in Michif. In: La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin. The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis. Vol 2: Language Theory. Barkwell, Lawrence (Ed.). Pemmican Publications/Manitoba Métis Federation Michif Language Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá: pp. 63‑80, 2004. ISBN 1-894717-28-7
- Bakker, Peter: What is Michif? In: La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin. The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis. Vol 1: Language Practice. Barkwell, Lawrence (Ed.). Pemmican Publications/Manitoba Métis Federation Michif Language Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá: pp. 5‑7, 2004. ISBN 1-894717-22-8
- Bakker, Peter; Barkwell, Lawrence: Storytelling and Mythology. In: La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin. The Heritage Language of the Canadian Metis. Vol 2: Language Theory. Barkwell, Lawrence (Ed.). Pemmican Publications/Manitoba Métis Federation Michif Language Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá: pp. 83‑96, 2004. ISBN 1-894717-28-7
- Bakker, Peter. 1997. A language of our own: The genesis of Michif, the mixed Cree-French language of the Canadian Métis. New York, Oxford University Press.
- Bakker, Peter e Robert Papen. 1997. Michif: A mixed language based on Cree and French. In S. Thomason (ed.) Contact languages: A wider perspective. Philadelphia: John Benjamins, p. 295–363.
- Bloomfield, Leonard (1984) Cree-English Lexicon Human Area Relations Files, New Haven, CT.
- Crawford, John. "Speaking Michif in four Métis communities." Canadian Journal of Native Studies 3.1 (1983): 47–55.
- Crawford, John. "What is Michif? Language in the Metis tradition." Jennifer S.H. Brown e Jacqueline Peterson, eds. The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Metis in North America (1985): 231–241.
- Crawford, John. "Linguistic and sociolinguistic relationships in the Michif language." Proceedings of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota 3 (1973): 8–22.
- Evans, Donna. 1982. "On coexistence and convergence of two phonological systems in Michif." Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session, 26, p. 158–173.
- Fleury, N. e L. J. Barkwell. 2000. La Lawng: Michif Peekishkwewin: The Canadian Michif Language Dictionary. Winnipeg: Metis Resource Centre.
- Gillon, Carrie e Nicole Rosen. 2016. Critical mass in Michif. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 31: 113–140.
- Papen, Robert. 2003. "Michif: One phonology or two?" In Y. Chung, C. Gillon e R. Wokdak (eds) University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 12, Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Language of the Americas, p. 47–58.
- Papen, Robert. 2004. "Michif spelling conventions: Proposal for a unified Michif writing system. In L. Barkwell (ed.) La lawng: Michif peekishkwewin. Winnipeg, MB: Pemmican Publications, p. 29–53.
- Rhodes, Richard A. 1977. French Cree—a case of borrowing. Actes du Huitième Congrès des Algonquinistes. Wm. Cowan (ed.), Ottawa: Carleton University. p. 6–25.
- Rhodes, Richard A. 1986. Métif—a second look. Actes du Septième Congrès des Algonquinistes. Wm. Cowan (ed.), Ottawa: Carleton University. p. 287–296.
- Rhodes, Richard A. 1987. Les Contes Metif—Metif Myths. Papers of the Eighteenth Algonquian Conference. Wm. Cowan (ed.), Ottawa: Carleton University. p. 297–301.
- Rhodes, Richard A. 1992. Language Shift in Algonquian. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 93:87–92.
- Rhodes, Richard A. 2001. Text Strategies in Métchif. Papers of the Thirty-second Algonquian Conference. H. C. Wolfart (ed.), Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. p. 455–469.
- Rosen, Nicole. 2006. Language Contact and Stress Assignment. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung. 59:170–190.
- Rosen, Nicole. 2007. Domains in Michif Phonology. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Linguistics. University of Toronto.
- Papen, Robert. 2005. Le mitchif: langue Franco-crie des Plaines. In A. Valdman, J. Auger & D. Piston-Hatlen (eds). Saint-François, QC: Presses de l'Université Laval, p. 327–347.
- Weaver, Deborah. 1982. Obviation in Michif. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session, 26, p. 174–262.
- Weaver, Deborah. 1983. The effect of language change and death on obviation in Michif. In W. Cowan (ed.) Actes du Quatorzième Congrès des Algonquinistes. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, p. 261–268.
- Zoldy, Grace. 2003. The Lord's Prayer. In Li Liivr Oche Michif Ayamiiawina – The Book of Michif Prayers. Camperville Michif Cree Ritual Language Project.