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</ref> This causes sound input of a certain frequency to vibrate some locations of the membrane more than other locations. As shown in experiments by Nobel Prize laureate [[Georg von Békésy]], high frequencies lead to maximum vibrations at the basal end of the cochlear coil, where the membrane is narrow and stiff, and low frequencies lead to maximum vibrations at the apical end of the cochlear coil, where the membrane is wider and more compliant. This "place–frequency map" can be described quantitatively by the [[Greenwood function]] and its variants.
</ref> This causes sound input of a certain frequency to vibrate some locations of the membrane more than other locations. As shown in experiments by Nobel Prize laureate [[Georg von Békésy]], high frequencies lead to maximum vibrations at the basal end of the cochlear coil, where the membrane is narrow and stiff, and low frequencies lead to maximum vibrations at the apical end of the cochlear coil, where the membrane is wider and more compliant. This "place–frequency map" can be described quantitatively by the [[Greenwood function]] and its variants.

As vibracións orixinadas polo son viaxan como ondas ao longo das membranas, ao longo das cales, nos humanos, están dispostas nunha soa ringleira unha 3.500 [[célula ciliada interna|células ciliadas internas]]. Cada célula está unida a un diminutio armazón ou marco triangular. Os "cilios" son diminutos procesos situados na parte superior das células, que son moisensibles aosmovementos (estereocilios). Cando a vibración da membrana abanea os marcos triangulares, os cilios destas células son desprazados repetidamente, e iso produce corentes de pulsos que se envían polo nervio auditivo.<ref> Beament, James (2001). "How We Hear Music: the Relationship Between Music and the Hearing Mechanism". Woodbridge: Boydell Press. p. 97.</ref>
Sound-driven vibrations travel as waves along this membrane, along which, in humans, lie about 3,500 [[inner hair cell]]s spaced in a single row. Each cell is attached to a tiny triangular frame. The 'hairs' are minute processes on the end of the cell, which are very sensitive to movement. When the vibration of the membrane rocks the triangular frames, the hairs on the cells are repeatedly displaced, and that produces streams of corresponding pulses in the nerve fibers, which are transmitted to the auditory pathway.<ref>
{{Cite document
| last = Beament
| first = James
| title = How We Hear Music: the Relationship Between Music and the Hearing Mechanism
| place = Woodbridge
| publisher = Boydell Press
| year = 2001
| page = 97
| postscript = <!--None-->}}</ref>
The [[outer hair cell]]s feed back energy to amplify the traveling wave, by up to 65 dB at some locations.<ref>
The [[outer hair cell]]s feed back energy to amplify the traveling wave, by up to 65 dB at some locations.<ref>
{{cite journal |author=Nilsen KE, Russell IJ |title=Timing of cochlear feedback: spatial and temporal representation of a tone across the basilar membrane |journal=Nat. Neurosci. |volume=2 |issue=7 |pages=642–8 |year=1999 |pmid=10404197 |doi=10.1038/10197}}
{{cite journal |author=Nilsen KE, Russell IJ |title=Timing of cochlear feedback: spatial and temporal representation of a tone across the basilar membrane |journal=Nat. Neurosci. |volume=2 |issue=7 |pages=642–8 |year=1999 |pmid=10404197 |doi=10.1038/10197}}

Revisión como estaba o 26 de agosto de 2015 ás 18:35

Membrana basilar
Sección a ravés do órgano de Corti, na que se mostra a membrana basilar
Sección transversal da cóclea.
Latín membrana basilaris ductus cochlearis
Gray's pág.1056
MeSH Basilar+membrane

A membrana basilar situada na cóclea do oído interno é un elemento estrutural ríxido que separa os dous tubos ou escalas cheas de líquidos que corren en espiral ao longo da cóclea, que son a escala media e a escala timpánica (ver figura).


A membran basilar é unha estrutura pseudoresonante[1] que, igual que fab as cordas dun instrumento musical, varían en grosor e rixidez. A "corda" da membrana basilr non é un conxunto decordas situada en paralelo, como as cordas duha guitarra, senón unha longa estrutura que ten diferentes propiedades (anchura, rixidez, masa, amortecemento da vibracións, e as dimensións dos condutos aos que se acopla) en diferentes puntos ao longo da súa lonxitude. Omovemento da membrana basilar descríbese xeralmente como unha onda viaxeira.[2] Os parámetros da membrana nun punto determinado da súa lonxitude determinan a súa frecuencia característica (FC), a fecuencia á cal é mái sensible ás vibracións sonoras. A membrana basilar é máis ancha (0,42–0,65 mm) e memos ríxida no ápice da cóclea, e máis estreita (0,08–0,16 mm) e máis ríxida na base.[3] Os sons de alta frecuencia localízanse preto da base da cóclea (preto das ventás redonda e oval), mentres que os debaixa feecuencia localízanse preto do ápice.


Sinusoidal drive through the oval window (top) causes a traveling wave of fluid–membrane motion. A modeled snapshot of fluid streamlines is shown. The wavelength is long compared to the duct height near the base, in what is called the long-wave region, and short (0.5 to 1.0 mm in typical observations[4][5]) near the place where the displacement and velocity are maximized, just before cutoff, in the short-wave region.

Separación endolinfa/perilinfa

Os fluídos que enchen estes dous tubos, que son a endolinfa e a perilinfa son moi diferentes na aúa química e bioquímica e electricamente, polo que deben manterse separados. Esta separación é a principal función da membrana de Reissner (que separa a scala vestibuli e a scala media), e é tamén a función do tecido sostido pola membrana basilar, como as células do sulco internas e externas (mostradas na imaxe en amarelo) e a lámina reticular do órgano deCorti (en maxenta). Para o órgano de Corti a membrana basilar é permeable á perilinfa. Aquí a fronteira que separa a endolinfa da perilinfa está na lámina reticular, no lado que dá á endolinfa do órgano de Corti.[6]

Base para as células sensoriais

A membrana basilar é tamén a base para as células sensoriais da audición, ou para ser máis exacto, do órgano de Corti onde están ditas células ciliadas, as cales posúen estereocilios. Hai aproximadamente 15.000 células ciliadas en cada oído humano (ver a figura). Esta función de ser a base das células sensoriais deulle á membrana basilar o seu nome, e está presente en todoso os vertebrados terrestres. Debido á súa localización, a membrana basilar sitúa as células ciliadas nunha posición na que están adxacentes á tanto á perilinfa (que se filtra desde abaixo) coma á endolinfa (por riba), o que é unha condición para o seu funcionamento.

Dispersión de frecuencias

A third, evolutionarily younger, function of the basilar membrane is strongly developed in the cochlea of most mammalian species and weakly developed in some bird species:[7] the dispersion of incoming sound waves to separate frequencies spatially. In brief, the membrane is tapered and it is stiffer at one end than at the other. Furthermore, sound waves travelling to the far, "floppier" end of the basilar membrane have to travel through a longer fluid column than sound waves travelling to the nearer, stiffer end. Each part of the basilar membrane, together with the surrounding fluid, can therefore be thought of as a "mass-spring" system with different resonant properties: high stiffness and low mass, hence high resonant frequencies at the near end, and low stiffness and high mass, hence low resonant frequencies, at the far end.[8] This causes sound input of a certain frequency to vibrate some locations of the membrane more than other locations. As shown in experiments by Nobel Prize laureate Georg von Békésy, high frequencies lead to maximum vibrations at the basal end of the cochlear coil, where the membrane is narrow and stiff, and low frequencies lead to maximum vibrations at the apical end of the cochlear coil, where the membrane is wider and more compliant. This "place–frequency map" can be described quantitatively by the Greenwood function and its variants.

As vibracións orixinadas polo son viaxan como ondas ao longo das membranas, ao longo das cales, nos humanos, están dispostas nunha soa ringleira unha 3.500 células ciliadas internas. Cada célula está unida a un diminutio armazón ou marco triangular. Os "cilios" son diminutos procesos situados na parte superior das células, que son moisensibles aosmovementos (estereocilios). Cando a vibración da membrana abanea os marcos triangulares, os cilios destas células son desprazados repetidamente, e iso produce corentes de pulsos que se envían polo nervio auditivo.[9] The outer hair cells feed back energy to amplify the traveling wave, by up to 65 dB at some locations.[10][11]



  1. M. Holmes and J. D. Cole, "Pseudoresonance in the cochlea, ' in: Mechanics of Hearing, E. de Boer and M. A. Viergever (editors), Proceedings of the IUTAM/ICA Symposium, Delft (1983), pp. 45-52.
  2. Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper, and Sid P. Bacon (2004). Compression: From Cochlea to Cochlear Implants. Springer. ISBN 0-387-00496-3. 
  3. Oghalai JS. The cochlear amplifier: augmentation of the traveling wave within the inner ear. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery. 12(5):431-8, 2004
  4. Shera, Christopher A. (2007). "Laser amplification with a twist: Traveling-wave propagation and gain functions from throughout the cochlea". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122 (5): 2738–2758. doi:10.1121/1.2783205. Consultado o 13 April 2013. 
  5. Robles, L.; Ruggero, M. A. (2001). "Mechanics of the mammalian cochlea". Physiological Reviews 81 (3): 1305–1352. Consultado o 13 April 2013. 
  6. Salt, A.N., Konishi, T., 1986. The cochlear fluids: Perilymph and endolymph. In: Altschuler, R.A., Hoffman, D.W., Bobbin, R.P. (Eds.), Neurobiology of Hearing: The Cochlea. Raven Press, New York, pp. 109-122
  7. Fritzsch B: The water-to-land transition: Evolution of the tetrapod basilar papilla; middle ear, and auditory nuclei. In: Douglas B. Webster, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper, editors (1992). The Evolutionary biology of hearing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 351–375. ISBN 0-387-97588-8. 
  8. Schnupp J., Nelken I., King A. (2011). Auditory Neuroscience. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-11318-X. 
  9. Beament, James (2001). "How We Hear Music: the Relationship Between Music and the Hearing Mechanism". Woodbridge: Boydell Press. p. 97.
  10. Nilsen KE, Russell IJ (1999). "Timing of cochlear feedback: spatial and temporal representation of a tone across the basilar membrane". Nat. Neurosci. 2 (7): 642–8. PMID 10404197. doi:10.1038/10197. 
  11. Nilsen KE, Russell IJ (2000). "The spatial and temporal representation of a tone on the guinea pig basilar membrane". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97 (22): 11751–8. PMC 34345. PMID 11050205. doi:10.1073/pnas.97.22.11751. 

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