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==Propiedades físicas==
==Propiedades físicas==
Unlike [[amylopectin]], amylose is insoluble in water.<ref></ref> It also reduces the crystallinity of [[amylopectin]] and how easily water can infiltrate the starch.<ref></ref> The higher the amylose content, the less expansion potential and the lower the gel strength for the same starch concentration. This can be countered partially by increasing the granule size.<ref>(a) J-Y. Li and A-I. Yeh, Relationships between thermal, rheological characteristics and swelling power for various starches, J. Food Engineering 50 (2001) 141-148. (b) N. Singh, J. Singh, L. Kaur, N. Singh Sodhi and B. Singh Gill, Morphological, thermal and rheological properties of starches from different botanical sources, Food Chem. 81 (2003) 219-231.</ref>
A diferenza da [[amilopectina]], a amilosa é insoluble en auga <ref></ref> Isto reduce a cristalinidade da amilopectina e a facilidade con que a auga pode infiltrar os gránulos de amidón <ref></ref>. Canto maior é o contido en amilosa, menor é o potencial de expansión e máis baixo a forza de xel para unha mesma concentración de amidón. This can be countered partially by increasing the granule size.<ref>(a) J-Y. Li and A-I. Yeh, Relationships between thermal, rheological characteristics and swelling power for various starches, J. Food Engineering 50 (2001) 141-148. (b) N. Singh, J. Singh, L. Kaur, N. Singh Sodhi and B. Singh Gill, Morphological, thermal and rheological properties of starches from different botanical sources, Food Chem. 81 (2003) 219-231.</ref>

Fiber X-ray diffraction analysis coupled with computer-based structure refinement has found A-, B-, and C- polymorphs of amylose. Each form corresponds to either the A-, the B-, or the C- starch forms. A- and B- structures have different helical crystal structures and water contents, whereas the C- structure is a mixture of A- and B- unit cells, resulting in an intermediate packing density between the two forms.<ref>Sarko, A., and H.-C. H. Wu. 1978. The Crystal Structures of A-, B- and C-Polymorphs of Amylose and Starch. Starch 30: 73-78.</ref>
Fiber X-ray diffraction analysis coupled with computer-based structure refinement has found A-, B-, and C- polymorphs of amylose. Each form corresponds to either the A-, the B-, or the C- starch forms. A- and B- structures have different helical crystal structures and water contents, whereas the C- structure is a mixture of A- and B- unit cells, resulting in an intermediate packing density between the two forms.<ref>Sarko, A., and H.-C. H. Wu. 1978. The Crystal Structures of A-, B- and C-Polymorphs of Amylose and Starch. Starch 30: 73-78.</ref>

Revisión como estaba o 29 de setembro de 2011 ás 16:13


A amilosa é un dos polímeros que forman parte do amidón, xunto coa amilopectina. É un polisacárido liñal formado por unidades de D-glicosa.

Este polisacárido supón do 2 ao 30 % do peso dun gránulo de amidón.[1]

Como ten unha estrutura moi empaquetada, a amilosa é máis resistente á dixestión ca a amilopectina e é un tipo de amidón resistente, utilizado como prebiótico [2].


A amilosa está constituída por moléculas de glicosa unidas por enlace O-glicosídico α(1→4) [3]. O número de unidades repetidas de glicosa (n) é normalmente de entre 300 e 3.000, pero pode ser de milleiros.

As cadeas de amilosa poden adoptar tres formas principais. Pode presentarse nunha conformación amorfa desordenada ou en dúas formas helicoidais distintas. Pode unirse consigo mesma formando unha dobre hélice (formas A ou B), ou pode unirse a outras moléculas hidrofóbicas como o iodo, un ácido graxo, ou un composto aromático. Esta coñécese como forma V e é a esta forma de amilosa á que se une a amilopectina nos gránulos de amidón. Dentro do grupo de formas V hai moitas variacións posibles. Cada unha denomínase como V cun subíndice que indica o número de unidades de glicosa por cada volta da hélice. A forma máis común é a V6, que ten seis unidades de glicosa por volta. Existe tamén a forma V8 e posiblemente a V7. Estas proporcionan un espazo aínda maior para que se una outra molécula á amilosa [4].

Esta estrutura liñal pode sufrir algunha rotación arredor dos ángulos fi e psi, pero, na súa maior parte, os osíxenos dos aneis das glicosas están situados todos sobre o mesmo lado da molécula (na celulosa, por exemplo, están xirados 180º). A estrutura α(1→4) promove a formación da estrutura en hélice, que fai posible que se formen pontes de hidróxeno entre os grupos unidos ao carbono 2 dunha molécula de glicosa e do carbono 3 da seguinte [5].

Propiedades físicas

A diferenza da amilopectina, a amilosa é insoluble en auga [6] Isto reduce a cristalinidade da amilopectina e a facilidade con que a auga pode infiltrar os gránulos de amidón [7]. Canto maior é o contido en amilosa, menor é o potencial de expansión e máis baixo a forza de xel para unha mesma concentración de amidón. This can be countered partially by increasing the granule size.[8]

Fiber X-ray diffraction analysis coupled with computer-based structure refinement has found A-, B-, and C- polymorphs of amylose. Each form corresponds to either the A-, the B-, or the C- starch forms. A- and B- structures have different helical crystal structures and water contents, whereas the C- structure is a mixture of A- and B- unit cells, resulting in an intermediate packing density between the two forms.[9]


Amylose is important in plant energy storage. It is less readily digested than amylopectin; however, because it is more linear than amylopectin, it takes up less space. As a result, it is the preferred starch for storage in plants. It makes up about 30% of the stored starch in plants, though the specific percentage varies by species. The digestive enzyme α-amylase is responsible for the breakdown of the starch molecule into maltotriose and maltose, which can be used as sources of energy.

Amylose is also an important thickener, water binder, emulsion stabilizer, and gelling agent in both industrial and food-based contexts. Loose helical amylose chains have a hydrophobic interior that can bind to hydrophobic molecules such as lipids and aromatic compounds. The one problem with this is that, when it crystallizes or associates, it can lose some stability, often releasing water in the process (syneresis). When amylose concentration is increased, gel stickiness decreases but gel firmness increases. When other things including amylopectin bind to amylose, the viscosity can be affected, but incorporating κ-carrageenan, alginate, xanthan gum, or low-molecular-weight sugars can reduce the loss in stability. The ability to bind water can add substance to food, possibly serving as a fat replacement.[10] For example, amylose is responsible for causing white sauce to thicken, but, upon cooling, some separation between the solid and the water will occur.

In a laboratory setting, it can act as a marker. Iodine molecules fit neatly inside the helical structure of amylose, binding with the starch polymer that absorbs certain known wavelengths of light. Hence, a common test is the iodine test for starch. Mix starch with a small amount of yellow iodine solution. In the presence of amylose, a blue-black color will be observed. The intensity of the color can be tested with a colorimeter, using a red filter to discern the concentration of starch present in the solution. It is also possible to use starch as an indicator in titrations involving iodine reduction.[11] It is also used in amylose magnetic beads and resin to separate maltose-binding protein[12]

Investigacións recentes

High-amylose varieties of rice, less sticky long-grain rice, have a much lower glycemic load, which could be beneficial for diabetics.

Researchers have identified the gene granular binding starch synthase, or GBSS, in potatoes. It is responsible for encoding for the enzyme that directs amylase starch production. If it is inhibited, amylose production will also be interrupted.[13]


  3. Nelson, David , and Michael M. Cox. Principles of Biochemistry. 5th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company , 2008.
  4. Cohen, R., Kovalev, M., Orlova, Y., Shimon, E., and Y. Ungar. 2008. Structural and Functional Properties of Amylose Complexes with Genistein. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56: 4212-4218.
  8. (a) J-Y. Li and A-I. Yeh, Relationships between thermal, rheological characteristics and swelling power for various starches, J. Food Engineering 50 (2001) 141-148. (b) N. Singh, J. Singh, L. Kaur, N. Singh Sodhi and B. Singh Gill, Morphological, thermal and rheological properties of starches from different botanical sources, Food Chem. 81 (2003) 219-231.
  9. Sarko, A., and H.-C. H. Wu. 1978. The Crystal Structures of A-, B- and C-Polymorphs of Amylose and Starch. Starch 30: 73-78.
  10. H.-J. Chung, Q. Liu, Impact of molecular structure of amylopectin and amylose on amylose chain association during cooling, Carbohydr. Polymers 77 (2009) 807-815

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