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Cymbals Eat Guitars

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Cymbals Eat Guitars
OrixeNova York,
Período2007 - presente
Xénero(s)indie rock, punk rock, shoegazing, emo
Selo(s) discográfico(s)Barsuk Records, Sinderlyn
MembrosJoseph D'Agostino
Andrew Dole
Matt Whipple
Brian Hamilton
Antigos membrosNeil Berenholz
Daniel Baer
Matthew Cohen
Jon Levine
Matthew Miller
Na rede
Facebook: cymbalseatguitars Twitter: CYMBLS_EAT_GTRS Instagram: cymbalseatguitars MySpace: cymbalseatguitars Bandcamp: cymbalseatguitars Spotify: 580mg2IiCqPs9dmDUkJj2x Last fm: Cymbals+Eat+Guitars Musicbrainz: 3e0e78e8-cf0c-46e3-84fe-555a3e8ad4d4 Songkick: 641323 Discogs: 1531493 Allmusic: mn0002035435 Editar o valor en Wikidata

Cymbals Eat Guitars é unha banda estadounidense de indie rock procedente de Staten Island, Nova York,[1] fundada polos amigos de instituto Joseph D'Agostino e Matthew Miller. O seu nome procede dunha cita de Lou Reed describindo o son de The Velvet Underground.[2]


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Álbum Ano Selo
Why There Are Mountains 2009 autoeditado
Lenses Alien 2011 Memphis Industries, Barsuk Records
LOSE 2014 Barsuk Records, Tough Love Records
Pretty Years 2016 Sinderlyn

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  1. Jersey Beat (ed.). "CD Reviews - Sneak Peek At An Unreleased Pick Hit". Archived from the original on 17 de maio de 2009. Consultado o 4 de xaneiro de 2018. 
  2. Drowned in Sound (ed.). "Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why There Are Mountains". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 20 de xullo de 2011. Consultado o 4 de xaneiro de 2018.